Hi All,
I have a PC running vdr. On this PC i cannot watch TV using vdr-sxfe. I also have a laptop, on this laptop I can connect to the PC using vdr-sxfe. On my laptop I can watch TV without any problems.
All was working properly, until I ran 12 concurrent instances of vdr-sxfe on my PC. Next I did a "killall vdr-sxfe" and then cut the power from my PC. I guess I've lost or corrupted a file somewhere on my PC, but i can't figure out which one.
Can anybody help me? Best regards, Cedric
Messages from vdr-sxfe running locally on the PC: ************ [cedric@myhost ~]$ vdr-sxfe -V xv -f localhost vdr-sxfe 1.0.90-cvs (build with xine-lib 1.2.0, using xine-lib 1.2.0)
Video driver: xv Fullscreen mode VDR Server: localhost
WARNING: MRL does not start with 'xvdr:' (localhost) [920] [input_vdr] Connecting (control) to tcp://localhost:37890 ... [920] [input_vdr] Server greeting: VDR-1.7.22 xineliboutput-1.0.90-cvs READY [920] [input_vdr] Connected (control) to tcp://localhost:37890 [920] [input_vdr] Connecting (data) to pipe:///var/lib/vdr/plugins/xineliboutput/fifo/pipes.773/pipe.0 [920] [input_vdr] Data stream connected (PIPE) [920] [input_vdr] WARNING: xine-engine setting "engine.buffers.audio_num_buffers":230 istoo low for HD-playback! Please use values between 500-1000! [920] [input_vdr] using custom "no signal" image /usr/share/libxine-xvdr/nosignal.mpg [920] [vdr-fe] fe_xine_open: xine_open("xvdr://localhost#nocache") failed Error opening xvdr://localhost [932] [input_vdr] write_control aborted [920] [input_vdr] Connections closed. ************** Messages from vdr-sxfe on my laptop: ************** [cedric@cedric ~]$ vdr-sxfe -V xv -f tv vdr-sxfe 1.0.90-cvs (build with xine-lib 1.1.90, using xine-lib 1.1.90)
Video driver: xv Fullscreen mode VDR Server: tv
WARNING: MRL does not start with 'xvdr:' (tv) [6641] [vdr-fe] Detected 2 CPUs [6641] [vdr-fe] Enabling FFmpeg multithreaded video decoding input_bluray: (bluray_class_get_instance:1581) bluray_class_get_instance input_bluray: (bluray_class_get_instance:1581) bluray_class_get_instance [6641] [input_vdr] Connecting (control) to tcp://tv:37890 ... [6641] [input_vdr] Server greeting: VDR-1.7.22 xineliboutput-1.0.90-cvs READY [6641] [input_vdr] Connected (control) to tcp://tv:37890 [6641] [input_vdr] connect_pipe_data_stream: client ip=0x651fa8c0 != server ip=0xcd1fa8c0 ! [6641] [input_vdr] Connecting (data) to pipe:///var/lib/vdr/plugins/xineliboutput/fifo/pipes.773/pipe.0 [6641] [input_vdr] Pipe not found [6641] [input_vdr] Data stream connection failed (PIPE) [6641] [input_vdr] Connecting (data) to udp://tv ... [6641] [input_vdr] Server does not support UDP ? (UDP: UDP transport disabled in configuration.) [6641] [input_vdr] Data stream connection failed (UDP) [6641] [input_vdr] Connecting (data) to tcp://tv:37890 ... [6641] [input_vdr] Data stream connected (TCP) [6641] [input_vdr] WARNING: xine-engine setting "engine.buffers.audio_num_buffers":230 istoo low for HD-playback! Please use values between 500-1000! [6641] [input_vdr] using custom "no signal" image /usr/share/libxine-xvdr/nosignal.mpg
Press Esc to exit
xv_set_property: property=8, value=100 xv_set_property: property=2, value=0 xv_set_property: property=3, value=0 xv_set_property: property=5, value=0 xv_set_property: property=24, value=0 xv_set_property: property=25, value=0 xv_set_property: property=4, value=0 xv_set_property: property=1, value=0 [6652] [vdr-fe] Can't load post plugin pp [6653] [demux_vdr] PMT changed, resetting demuxer xv_set_property: property=0, value=0 xv_set_property: property=0, value=0 [6643] [lastpts ] stream changed from (nil) to 0x8d6280 [6643] [lastpts ] new stream is vdr stream [6654] [console] Keyboard thread terminated xv_set_property: property=0, value=0 [6641] [input_vdr] Connections closed. xv_set_property: property=2, value=0 xv_set_property: property=3, value=0 xv_set_property: property=5, value=0 xv_set_property: property=24, value=0 xv_set_property: property=25, value=0 xv_set_property: property=4, value=0 xv_set_property: property=1, value=0 Terminating... xv_set_property: property=0, value=0 [cedric@cedric ~]$ ************
Hi All,
I have a PC running vdr. On this PC i cannot watch TV using vdr-sxfe. I
< snip>
I have backed-up and emptied my home directory on the PC, (and restored .xinitrc). Now vdr-sxfe works perfectly again. Now the hunt is on to see what file vdr-sxfe does not like. But for now, my origional problem is solved.
Best regards, Cedric