Hi list,
This is the first release of the Proxy plugin for VDR.
Proxy is a plugin that loads a plugin.
Seriously. ;)
The proxy plugin acts as a wrapper that encapsulates a VDR plugin and passes through all interfaces. To make this actually useful, the proxy plugin can modify the behavior of plugins, like changing the menu entry, group several plugins in one sub menu and load/unload plugins while VDR is running. This works even though proxy is 'just' a plugin, and does not require any patches to VDR.
Get it while its hot:
http://urichter.cjb.net/vdr/?h=proxy (german) http://urichter.cjb.net/vdr/?h=proxy&l=en (english)
I confess, I mainly wrote the plugin to see if it would be possible. And now its even useful...