I feed my VDR picture throughout the house via a modulator, but wanted to be able to alter the channels while in other rooms. The web interface (vdradmin) works well with a wireless tablet but it is not practical to carry around all the time. The solution was to use my PABX (Asterisk), which runs on the VDR server. Now I can pick up any phone and dial extension 837 (vdr). The PABX gives a beep and I then use the keys on the phone to navigate. By pressing 0 on the phone that takes me into number mode and after 2 seconds the system reverts back to navigation mode. If anyone else is using Asterisk, then this may be a handy dial string (which I wrote) to include in extensions_custom.conf.
exten => 837,1,Answer() exten => 837,n(start),Read(APCODE,beep,1) exten => 837,n,GotoIf($[${APCODE} = 0]?vdr-numb,1:vdr-navi,1)
exten => vdr-numb,1,Read(APCODE,number,1,,,2) exten => vdr-numb,n,GotoIf($[${APCODE} < 0]:?837,start) exten => vdr-numb,n,System(/usr/local/bin/svdrpsend.pl HITK "${APCODE}") exten => vdr-numb,n,Goto(vdr-numb,1)
exten => vdr-navi,1,Set(APCODE=${IF($[${APCODE} = 1]?Green:${APCODE})}) exten => vdr-navi,n,Set(APCODE=${IF($[${APCODE} = 2]?Up:${APCODE})}) exten => vdr-navi,n,Set(APCODE=${IF($[${APCODE} = 3]?Yellow:${APCODE})}) exten => vdr-navi,n,Set(APCODE=${IF($[${APCODE} = 4]?Left:${APCODE})}) exten => vdr-navi,n,Set(APCODE=${IF($[${APCODE} = 5]?Ok:${APCODE})}) exten => vdr-navi,n,Set(APCODE=${IF($[${APCODE} = 6]?Right:${APCODE})}) exten => vdr-navi,n,Set(APCODE=${IF($[${APCODE} = 7]?Menu:${APCODE})}) exten => vdr-navi,n,Set(APCODE=${IF($[${APCODE} = 8]?Down:${APCODE})}) exten => vdr-navi,n,Set(APCODE=${IF($[${APCODE} = 9]?Back:${APCODE})}) exten => vdr-navi,n,System(/usr/local/bin/svdrpsend.pl HITK "${APCODE}") exten => vdr-navi,n,Goto(837,start)
Now I can use my cordless phones (connected to a PAP2 box) to control the VDR completely.
Hope that helps someone :-)
Mike Parker schrieb:
The solution was to use my PABX (Asterisk), which runs on the VDR server.
Nice idea :) I let my VDR show me the number of incoming calls:
exten => number,1,agi(call.sh|${CALLERID})
call.sh: ----- #!/bin/sh
if [ "$NUMBER" = "" ]; then NUMBER="Unknown Caller" fi
vdrhost=your_vdr_hostname echo -e "mesg Anruf von: ${NUMMER}\nquit\n" | /bin/nc $vdrhost 2001 \ 2>/dev/null >/dev/null &
---- (SVDR must be allowed from the PBX host)