tar xfvz xine-lib_for_xine-0.7.2-network.tar.* work's good for me.
file size xine-lib: 6.251.760 Bytes, is that ok? if not, download again.
your downloaded filename is: xine-lib_for_xine-0.7.2-network.tar.bz2
Von :: tony tony@tgds.net An :: Klaus Schmidinger's VDR vdr@linuxtv.org Betreff: Re: [vdr] [ANNOUNCE] xine-0.7.2 plugin via network without streamdev Datum: Tue, 29 Mar 2005 14:33:29 +0200
<pre>Le mardi 29 mars 2005 à 12:19 +0000, peter_weber69 a écrit : > if someone had problems to compile my xine-lib_for_xine-0.7.2-network (Makefile.in not found) or xine-plugin please download it again. It was a case sensitiv Problem of some files. Peter Can't extract the files... Tony _______________________________________________ vdr mailing list vdr@linuxtv.org <a href=http://www.linuxtv.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/vdr>http://www.linuxtv.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/vdr</a> </pre>
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