Hello VDR users,
I'm happy to announce the birth of a new plugin "VOD" (Video On Demand).
Description: ----------- VOD (Video On Demand) is a plugin for VDR that: - Collects video file links from various data sources on the internet (RSS 2.0 with enclosures, video search engines, movie trailers, ...) - Browse a summary of those files - Play them using MPlayer plugin
With the vod plugin you can watch vlogs (video blogs), look at the latest movie trailers, search for videos on the internet and play them on your TV. Simply.
Warning! This first release has many planned features that are not Implemented yet. The only source available are RSS 2.0 feeds. Please check plugin's web site for installation instructions and other details. http://famillejacques.free.fr/vdr/vod/
Side notes: Vlogs directory: http://vlogdir.com/, http://videobloggers.org/
Have fun :) Olivier Jacques