VDR 2.06 (yavdr 0.50 distro) does not show subtitles in HD channels (Yle channels in Finland). In SD version of the same channels subtitles are working fine. TV shows subtitles fine.
I've tried HD softdevice and normally using xineliboutput. Various different settings but none have had any effect in this.
The card is TBS6285 and according to manufacturer's support this should not be a driver issue.
Any ideas what could be the problem and more importantly how to solve this?
Br, Pasi
Am 27.08.2014 12:29, schrieb Pasi Juppo:
VDR 2.06 (yavdr 0.50 distro) does not show subtitles in HD channels (Yle channels in Finland). In SD version of the same channels subtitles are working fine. TV shows subtitles fine.
This is not a general HD issue, subtitels do work for me on BBC One HD with softhddevice on yaVDR. It narrows it down to either your equipment our your broadcaster.
vdr 2.1.6 (self-compiled) with vdr-xine-0.9.4 plugin and debians packaged libxine2 shows YLE HD subtitles fine.
yours, Jouni