I've just upgraded from vdr-xine 0.8.0 to 0.9.3 (well overdue) and I'm having audio problems.
When each of the following lines appeared in std-out, it coincides with skips in audio and gaps in audio sync
buffered 6.3 frames (v:10.9, a:6.3) buffered 7.1 frames (v:13.5, a:7.1) buffered 8.5 frames (v:14.5, a:8.5) buffered 9.1 frames (v:15.1, a:9.1) buffered 10.3 frames (v:16.7, a:10.3) buffered 11.1 frames (v:17.3, a:11.1) buffered 12.2 frames (v:18.8, a:12.2) buffered 13.5 frames (v:19.7, a:13.5) buffered 14.1 frames (v:20.2, a:14.1) buffered 15.4 frames (v:21.0, a:15.4)
I might have to revert back to vdr-xine-0.8.0 again - this was the same problem I had with all versions beyond 0.8.0, and previous attempts to upgrade
Any ideas?
Simon Baxter schrieb:
Had no response on this - guess Reinhard has been away?
Any suggestions on this??
Please tell vdr-xine settings regarding buffering and try to change the buffer settings in .xine/config to huge values as mentioned in MANUAL.
I've been playing around with these values and have discovered the following (I only have SD channels - none HD) when replaying recordings.
Setting engine.buffers.audio_num_buffers to 2300 (10x default) does help with the skips in audio - where under the default value (230) I intermittantly get 2-3 second jumps in audio.
#engine.buffers.video_num_buffers is left at the default of 500. If I set this any higher, fast forwarding or rewinding causes the video to jump about 90 seconds.
engine.buffers.video_num_frames (default 15) I've had to set to 60. Anything less than this seems to make the video jump 2-3 seconds, in line with the audio_num_buffers described above. With this set to 60, there's no lost audio but video/audio still gets out of sync, and it gets worse and worse for 20 seconds then the audio stops and the video catches up. Also with anything <60, I get PPPPPPPP on the vdr console when replaying recordings.
My question is - this version of vdr-xine, and every version since 0.8.1, gives me these audio and video problems. Under version 0.8.0 I have none of these problems at all. The only reason I'm trying to upgrade is because 0.8.0 is now so old.
Any ideas??
On Sat, Oct 3, 2009 at 12:52 PM, Simon Baxter linuxtv@nzbaxters.com wrote:
What video card/driver do you use? I know of another guy with similar problems but with my Nvidia 8400GS using vdpau it works fine with just default settings. I've never had to adjust anything.
On Sat, Oct 3, 2009 at 4:29 PM, Simon Baxter linuxtv@nzbaxters.com wrote:
I'm a big fan of vdpau so my answer is automatically to give it a try since you've got nothing to lose.
After literally a year or more, I've finally found the one thing that was causing my problems with this.
Problem: Any version of vdr-xine above 0.8.0 (and associated xine-lib and xine-ui from Reinhard's website) caused audio and video skips a few minutes into watching a recording. This was indicated by multiple "fixing sound card drift by XXXX pts" messages in the xine console coinciding with the video "catching up"
Fix: (too easy, as these things often turn out to be!!!) modify ~/.xine.config from: audio.synchronization.av_sync_method:0 audio.synchronization.resample_mode:0 to: audio.synchronization.av_sync_method:resample audio.synchronization.resample_mode:on
HOORAY!!! I'm finally able to move off a 2007 plugin!
Next problem - I can't get vdpau to work. But I'll start another thread for that.
Regards Simon
----- Original Message ----- From: "Reinhard Nissl" rnissl@gmx.de To: "VDR Mailing List" vdr@linuxtv.org Sent: Monday, October 05, 2009 10:29 AM Subject: Re: [vdr] vdr-xine 0.9.3 audio problems