Op Wo, 23 juli, 2008 15:55, schreef Torgeir Veimo:
Two questions:
- does the card support changing output framerate between 50 and 60Hz
without restarting VDR?
Currently, I've setup the output to 720P@60Hz. Before it was set on 1080i@50Hz. With this change I didn't had to restart VDR and changes were made instantly. I can only watch some FTA HD channels like Arte HD, BBC HD, Axine HD, Luxe TV HD and the ones from my provider (Canal Digitaal NL) and I didn't encounter any problems with viewing.
Concerning viewing, I'm not sure if they broacast in 50Hz or 60Hz. But again, I got not problems when viewing several HDTV channels.
- how is changing between video / s-video output and HDMI achieved?
Can they be enabled simultaneously, or change automatically based on whether something is connected on the HDMI port?
I only watch using the HDMI port (my LCD-TV only has one HDMI input) on the eHD. Normal viewing (read : X-session) is done using the regular Analog output on my graphics card. So I can't really anwser your question correctly.
-- Torgeir Veimo torgeir@pobox.com
Niels Wagenaar