El 09/02/2017 11:02, Petri Hintukainen phintuka@users.sourceforge.net escribió:
ti, 2017-01-31 kello 18:21 +0100, Jose Alberto Reguero kirjoitti:
I upgrade to fedora 25, and now vaapi with xineliboutput don't work for h264 channels. Works well with softhddevice. Attached is a log from vdr-sxfe.
Any hint?
Please try upgrading xine-lib from hg.
I've fixed one vaapi decoding issue today. It was causing video to break every 1-2 seconds (and no video at all if guarded_render was disabled in xine config). The log doesn't look exactly the same, so this could be also different issue.
Thank you. It seem to solve the problem. I did more tests later.
Jose Alberto.