Hi All,
I'm stuck to vdr 1.6.0-2 because i can't find a current LiveBuffer patch for any current vdr 1.7.x. Does anyone know if there is any work going on with this great patch?
Am Dienstag, 20. Dezember 2011, um 23:12:39 schrieb Lists:
look at http://www.vdr-portal.de/board17-developer/board25-patches/p1003452-livebuff... patch-f%C3%BCr-vdr-1-7-16-aus-rmm-svn/#post1003452
in this thread there is a newer version available. But this version still is missing three important fixes from RMM svn repos. Could anyone update these, please?
r17545 | dirk | 2011-11-10 17:04:23 +0100 (Do, 10. Nov 2011) | 2 Zeilen vdr1.7: fix crash in livebuffer on low disc space --- r16810 | balaji | 2011-06-17 13:54:46 +0200 (Fr, 17. Jun 2011) | 11 Zeilen
vdr 1.7: fix issue #574. Handle return osSchedule and do not close control for osRecordings always
Handle osSchedule return value from ProcessKey() call DirectMainFunction(osSchedule) needed for opening EPG menu in timeshift mode
If timeshift mode is ON; (control belongs to livebuffer) then with osRecordings do not close the control allow livebuffer to run when opening Recordings list --- r16772 | dirk | 2011-06-15 15:31:22 +0200 (Mi, 15. Jun 2011) | 5 Zeilen vdr1.7: Fix crash if index is not valid Wait some time if index exists but has no content Allow PauseLiveLive without livebuffer ---
And no, this patch is not from Gerald D. as the header of the patch might imply ;)
regards, Tim
And no, this patch is not from Gerald D. as the header of the patch
might imply ;) regards, Tim
It is true that the code in the original patch is not made by me, but the patch is made by me, because I had to manipulate the original patch so that it fits to the changes the yaVDR-Team made to the vdr. This is why my name is shown there.
If a patch author wants to be mentioned, I would apply to them to not only patch the code, but to add a line with their name to the changelog file too.
On 22.12.2011 19:36 , Tim wrote:
Is this patch "hosted" at for example github, or at vdr-developer.org? Github would be a good idea, because their frontend makes it easy to follow between revisions.. Also other people could just join by forking and do their own additions :-)
So did i understand correct that the patch Norm sent does not work with 1.7.21? (i have not managed to recompile my vdr, cause had too much work.. Will definitively try the update during x-mas! :-)
On 22/12/2011 22:17, René wrote:
It's a patch from yaVDR and it doesn't apply to the vdr source tree as is (at least for me). The second patch works on gentoo ebuild with small changes (It conflicts with other patches and need some changes for config.c & config.h part).
I tried the second too but it crashes vdr when I try to pause. I didn't tested a lot.
On 22.12.2011 23:32 , Marc wrote:
Hi Marc,
It's a shame that it did not work.. I wonder in which order the patches are added to VDR in a normal gentoo compilation-processs. Is the VDR_LOCAL_PATCHES_DIR applied as last in the row of patches, or is this first? I assume that if eg. this patch comes in as the last patch, I need to adjust this patch to match possible changes in the source made by other patches..
It would be great if this patch could be re-added into Gentoo as a default use-flag... This patch was (and still IS) a really great feature! :-)
On 22/12/2011 23:07, René wrote:
Yes, it's the way the ebuild works. Almost at the end of source_prepare, the local patches are applied after the others. But the second patch needs only few changes in config.c & config.h to apply.
Report back if you succeed with this patch. For me, with the patch, I have the option available but when I try to pause, vdr crash. Perhaps the patch is to old (1.7.18 and I use 1.7.21).
The first patch is for vdr-1.7.21 but I didn't succeeded to use it.
It's a patch from yaVDR and it doesn't apply to the vdr source tree as is (at least for me).
Here's the patch from yaVDR rebased to apply to vanilla 1.7.21 sources:
On 23/12/2011 12:11, Dominic Evans wrote:
It works, thanks !
There is a typo error in vdr.c but that's all.
For gentoo users, I attached the patches I use. I relocated some hunk of config.c and config.h and renamed USE_LIVEBUFFER to LIVEBUFFER in Makefile.
Patch the ebuild and put the other patch in /etc/portage/patches/media-video/vdr-1.7.21 (I use the epatch_user tool instead of the script, see the ebuild patch).
On 23.12.2011 14:27 , Marc wrote:
Hi Marc,
I'm having trouble in getting the patch you posted to work in my setup. Could you please check if you find something that i screwed up?
I have saved the patch as: 0001-opt-96-livebuffer12-rmm.dpatch-rebased-onto-1.7.21.patch
What i did was that i deleted the message-headers etc from the file, and left the first row to be: diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
Best Regards,
On 01/01/2012 18:41, René wrote:
Hi René,
You can watch the output of the patch (/var/tmp/portage/media-video/vdr-1.7.21-r2/temp/0001-opt-96-livebuffer12-rmm.dpatch-rebased-onto-1.7.21.patch.out) and see where it fails.
vdr 1.7.22 is out now on vdr-devel overlay. I'll post an updated patch for it tomorrow. It could work better on your configuration.
On 01.01.2012 20:23 , Marc wrote:
Hi Marc,
I pasted the output over here: http://pastebin.com/8eMsEuMf
It looks that it can't find the files to patch. Maybe the patch was not compatible with Gentoo?
It would be great if you could send an updated ebuild to 1.7.22 :-) I really miss the days when i updated my vdr on every release.. Now i have been "stuck" with 1.6.x for ages..
Do you think that it would be possible to add the livebuffer-patch back to the official gentoo overlay? Even better if it could be added as a basic feature of vdr (that could be turned on/off from the settings :-) Klaus? Please, please, pleaaaaase :-)
On Sun, Jan 1, 2012 at 11:44 AM, René linuxtv@hertell.com wrote:
There was talk of this some time ago, though I don't think anything solid came of it. I personally am not interested in it unless ram came be used for the buffer storage. Having a harddrive (or even worse, an ssd) in a constant write state 24/7 is not something I'd like to do. Whatever the case, I think you'll be stuck with the patch for a while.
On 01.01.2012 22:13 , VDR User wrote:
I have set my livebuffer to use 2gb memory (hdd). If i would have 4gb ram (now i have just 1gb), then i would use a 2gb ramdisk for livebuffer, and the rest for my system. This would be more than enough.. :-) But having a patch working for vdr is ok too :-)
On Sun, Jan 1, 2012 at 1:31 PM, René linuxtv@hertell.com wrote:
RAM is cheap enough now days that having plenty of it isn't a problem for most people. For example, 4GB will cost you less than a few hours at the pub with friends. :)
On 2 January 2012 10:19, VDR User user.vdr@gmail.com wrote:
The OP probably meant to have the option to use RAM directly without fiddling with a RAM disk setup.
On 01/01/2012 20:44, René wrote:
The patch applies, portage try several levels with patch and it succeeded at p1 (log start at 255).
The modifications I've made work but you have more files that fail than me. Perhaps you use more use flags. I don't know if the extension patches are applied all the time or only when you set the use flag for them. You could try to build vdr without any use flag and see if it compiles.
I attached the patch for 1.7.22 and I removed the ifdef statement in Makefile so there is no more need to patch the ebuild, just to put the patch in VDR_LOCAL_PATCHES_DIR. You can still create a folder for each version ( http://linuxtv.org/vdrwiki/index.php/Gentoo_VDR_own_patches#Putting_patches_... )
To add this patch to the overlay, have you tried to contact the maintainer ? It could be interested, its address is in the changelog.
On 02.01.2012 19:11 , Marc wrote:
I got this patch installed without any errors, but it does not work (pressing rewind does not do anything).. In the setup-menu i see the LiveBuffer settings, but i can't enter the settings.
I just started a "vdrplugin-rebuild -se rebuild", so let's see if it's some other plugin that's screwing things up..
To add this patch to the overlay, have you tried to contact the maintainer ? It could be interested, its address is in the changelog.
If i get this to work, then i'll do my best to persuade him to add this back to the overlay!! :-)
On 02.01.2012 23:44 , René wrote:
A quick update.. Pressing the LiveBUffer menu-item in the setupmenu gives me the following in my logfile:
Jan 3 00:42:27 vdr vdr: [16766] ERROR: Gentoo-VDR-Setup: <menu System=LiveBuffer> not known
Does anyone know what this error means?
if someone knows what's messed up in the previous error-message, then i get the same error for BigPatch
Jan 3 00:42:29 vdr vdr: [16766] ERROR: Gentoo-VDR-Setup: <menu System=BigPatch> not known
On 03.01.2012 1:00 , Marc wrote:
I don't have livebuffer in the menu. I activated the livebuffer by setting 'Pause key handling' to 'Timeshit'.
Ok, is this something you have to manually edit in setup.conf? I don't have this option in the setup for recording.. Here i have only "pause live video", "do not pause live video" and "confirm pause live video"..
Do you btw have to press pause to activate livebuffer, or can you just press rewind in the middle of playback? In the 1.6.x patch i don't have to press pause, i just press rewind..
On 03/01/2012 00:16, René wrote:
It's probably because the patch is not applied, this option is added in the menu by it. You should have something like this when you compile vdr : ... * Unifdef sources ... [ ok ]
* Applying local patches * Applying livebuffer-1.7.22.patch ... [ ok ]
Source prepared.
I checked and yes, the patch still works like this. I can either use pause or rewind.
On 03.01.2012 10:29 , Marc wrote:
Ok, then i have something fishy going on.. I have the livebufer in the menu, but then as you said most likely it's not applied correctly. I have to check the build-log if it complains something
I checked and yes, the patch still works like this. I can either use pause or rewind.
Great! :-)
On 03.01.2012 16:12 , René wrote:
The patch is now found by the ebuild, but it wont' get applied. The problem is just that it does not work. For some reasons it get's errors like "can't find file to patch"...
Here is the failed .out-file http://pastebin.com/MufLFssk
My patchdir is /etc/vdr_patch_dir and this patch is here: /etc/vdr_patch_dir/1.7.22/livebuffer-1.7.22.patch
What could here be wrong?
On 04/01/2012 00:29, René wrote:
No, it's still the same problem, the patch applies but you have more difference in your source tree when the local patches are applied. You can see what parts of the patch don't apply in the log at line 205.
For me, I only have Makefile, config.c and config.h witch differ but you have more : patching file device.c Hunk #1 FAILED at 18. patching file dvbplayer.c Hunk #4 FAILED at 281. patching file menu.c Hunk #4 FAILED at 4169. Hunk #18 FAILED at 4998. ...
I only use the noepg use flag, did you tried to compile vdr without any use flags ? If it works like this, try to add each use flag one by one to see where is the problem.
On 04.01.2012 10:36 , Marc wrote:
Indeed, looks that the following useflags messes up the livebuffer-patch
dvlvidprefer liemikuutio jumpplay setup ttxtsubs
Now i'll wait for a good spot to try a new update to 1.7.22 (between timer-recordings, and shows my wife watches) :-)
On 06.01.2012 16:42 , René wrote:
Yeah! Now i got livebuffer to work with vdr 1.7.22! FINALLY a more Modern vdr :-) The following use-flags did not work with the livebuffer-patch: dvlvidprefer liemikuutio jumpplay setup ttxtsubs
I wonder if it's a big thing to get the LiveBuffer working as an official patch for gentoo.. Who was it that i should e-mail and try to convince to accept this as a patch to vdr? If it work with an use-flag, then it would be really great :-) If there would be some guides on what i could do to help out in the process, then i'm happy to help out!
I wonder if it's a big thing to get the LiveBuffer working as an official patch for gentoo..
Iam work on this, to integrate the patch in the extp-ng...
anyway, in any parts the the ifdef/ifndef/else construct's from the expt-ng patch make it not eazy...
also iam work on the ebuild to remove/add/change some crap thats while is it package.masked in the moment...
use it of your own risk ;)
On 07.01.2012 24:30 , Joerg Bornkessel wrote:
Oh yeah :-) Can't wait for the patch to get ready :-) Please inform when you have done any progress :-) If I can help you in anyway, please don't hesitate to ask me!