There are numerous patches in the debian packaging tree for yaVDR, some of which have been naturally picked up from the standard debian packages and some of which are yaVDR specific:
It is not immediately obvious which of these have been submitted to Klaus for review, and which have been rejected from inclusion in vanilla VDR. It would seem to be a good idea to go through all of these and update the headers of them to indicate if they have either been rejected, or are considered to be too major/untested/plugin-specific to be included in the vanilla tree. Debian have patch tagging guidelines which have appropriate fields designed for this:
The patches already use these guidelines, with correct values for Author, Description and sometimes Origin but just don't mention whether the patches have been reviewed/rejected etc.
Ideally we'd go through all of these and add the 'Forwarded' tag to either link to the mailing list thread where the patch has been submitted to Klaus, or setting it to 'Forwarded: not-needed' for patches that we know don't make sense to include in vanilla VDR (e.g., plugin specific etc.). Any patches that have previously been rejected would also have an appropriate message appended to their description field to indicate they had been rejected and for what reason (as per the example on the above dep3 link).
As a first glance, there are a few small patches that it would seem could be submitted to Klaus:
Before I rebase these as patches against the latest vanilla sources and submit them on the mailing list, does anyone know if these have previously been submitted, either by their authors (if still active), or a current maintainer?