Hanno Mueller figured out a problem with the VDR Debian package, causing the ALCD plugin to not turn off the display, when the system shuts down. The first obvious problem seemed to be, that the shutdown command passed to vdr did not return immediately. So I changed this to be started detached in the background.
But there seems to be still a problem around. If I send SIGTERM to the vdr process manually, everything works fine. It cleans up, stops and destroys all plugins. But if I run "shutdown -h now" (which also sends SIGTERM to vdr and all other processes), the plugins destructors never get called. I've added a log message to every line in the exit code and you can see what I got at the end of this mail.
To be sure, vdr doesn't get killed, because it takes too long to shut down gracefully, I also tried "telinit -t 120 0" which switches to runlevel 0 but gives processes 120 seconds to shutdown before sending SIGKILL. Same result - VDR does not fully clean up on exit.
Unfortunately, the problem only appears, when switching to runlevel 0. Everything I tried to shutdown VDR without shutting down the whole system seems to work just fine. So there seems to be no way to inspect this in a debugger.
Any ideas, why vdr doesn't shut down gracefully, when shutting down the system?
Only vdr killed manually with killall vdr (I've added ctor/dtor messages to the podcatcher plugin, the messages after cSchedule::Cleanup(true) are skipped). This is how it is supposed to work.
12:26:12 vdr: [5642] ecmhandler 0 filter thread ended (pid=5642, tid=5642) 12:26:13 vdr: [5346] caught signal 15 12:26:13 vdr: [5346] PluginManager.StopPlugins() 12:26:13 vdr: [5346] stopping plugin: dvd 12:26:13 vdr: [5346] stopping plugin: trayopen 12:26:13 vdr: [5346] stopping plugin: podcatcher 12:26:13 vdr: [5346] stop() start 12:26:14 vdr: [5346] stop() end 12:26:14 vdr: [5346] stopping plugin: mp3 12:26:14 vdr: [5346] stopping plugin: radio 12:26:15 vdr: [5346] ERROR: radiocheck thread 5637 won't end (waited 1 seconds) - canceling it... 12:26:15 vdr: [5346] stopping plugin: dvdselect 12:26:15 vdr: [5644] logger 0 filter thread ended (pid=5644, tid=5644) 12:26:15 vdr: [5643] logger stats thread ended (pid=5643, tid=5643) 12:26:15 vdr: [5346] stopping plugin: burn 12:26:15 vdr: [5346] stopping plugin: extrecmenu 12:26:15 vdr: [5346] stopping plugin: skinsoppalusikka 12:26:15 vdr: [5346] cRecordControls::Shutdown() 12:26:15 vdr: [5346] cCutter::Stop() 12:26:15 vdr: [5346] delete Menu 12:26:15 vdr: [5346] cControl::Shutdown() 12:26:15 vdr: [5346] delete Interface 12:26:15 vdr: [5346] cOsdProvider::Shutdown() 12:26:15 vdr: [5346] Remotes.Clear() 12:26:15 lircd 0.7.1pre2[5160]: removed client 12:26:15 vdr: [5641] KBD remote control thread ended (pid=5641, tid=5641) 12:26:15 vdr: [5346] Audios.Clear() 12:26:15 vdr: [5346] delete RadioAudio 12:26:15 vdr: [5346] Skins.Clear() 12:26:15 vdr: [5346] Setup.CurrentChannel = cDevice::CurrentChannel() 12:26:15 vdr: [5346] Setup.CurrentVolume = cDevice::CurrentVolume() 12:26:15 vdr: [5346] Setup.Save() 12:26:15 vdr: [5346] saved setup to /var/lib/vdr/setup.conf 12:26:15 vdr: [5346] cDevice::Shutdown() 12:26:15 vdr: [5625] tuner on device 1 thread ended (pid=5625, tid=5625) 12:26:15 vdr: [5626] section handler thread ended (pid=5626, tid=5626) 12:26:15 vdr: [5628] tuner on device 2 thread ended (pid=5628, tid=5628) 12:26:15 vdr: [5629] section handler thread ended (pid=5629, tid=5629) 12:26:15 vdr: [5346] PluginManager.Shutdown(true) 12:26:15 vdr: [5346] deleting plugin: dvd 12:26:15 vdr: [5346] deleting plugin: trayopen 12:26:15 vdr: [5639] CDROM watch thread ended 12:26:15 vdr: [5639] cd drive watch thread thread ended (pid=5639, tid=5639) 12:26:15 vdr: [5346] deleting plugin: podcatcher 12:26:15 vdr: [5346] dtor() start 12:26:16 vdr: [5346] dtor() end 12:26:16 vdr: [5346] deleting plugin: mp3 12:26:16 vdr: [5346] deleting plugin: radio 12:26:16 vdr: [5346] deleting plugin: dvdselect 12:26:16 vdr: [5346] ln -nfs '/dev/dvd' '/var/cache/vdr/dvd' 2> /dev/null 12:26:16 vdr: [5346] deleting plugin: burn 12:26:16 vdr: [5346] deleting plugin: extrecmenu 12:26:16 vdr: [5346] deleting plugin: skinsoppalusikka 12:26:16 vdr: [5346] cSchedules::Cleanup(true) ...
And this is what happens, when I shutdown the system with "shutdown -h now" from a console (not from within vdr):
12:36:04 shutdown[5654]: shutting down for system halt 12:36:05 init: Switching to runlevel: 0 12:36:10 lircd 0.7.1pre2[5164]: caught signal 12:36:10 vdr: [5570] ERROR: lircd connection broken, trying to reconnect every 3.0 seconds 12:36:10 mysqld[5092]: 060604 12:36:10 [Note] /usr/sbin/mysqld: Normal shutdown 12:36:10 mysqld[5092]: 12:36:10 mysqld[5092]: 060604 12:36:10 InnoDB: Starting shutdown... 12:36:12 mysqld[5092]: 060604 12:36:12 InnoDB: Shutdown completed; log sequence number 0 48986 12:36:12 mysqld[5092]: 060604 12:36:12 [Note] /usr/sbin/mysqld: Shutdown complete 12:36:12 mysqld[5092]: 12:36:12 mysqld_safe[5840]: ended 12:36:13 vdr: [5570] ERROR: /dev/lircd: Connection refused 12:36:13 lircd 0.7.1pre2[5874]: lircd(any) ready 12:36:16 vdr: [5570] reconnected to lircd 12:36:16 lircd 0.7.1pre2[5874]: accepted new client on /dev/lircd 12:36:16 vdr: [5572] ecmhandler 0 filter thread ended (pid=5572, tid=5572) 12:36:16 vdr: [5574] logger 0 filter thread ended (pid=5574, tid=5574) 12:36:17 vdr: [5383] caught signal 15 12:36:17 vdr: [5383] PluginManager.StopPlugins() 12:36:17 vdr: [5383] stopping plugin: dvd 12:36:17 vdr: [5383] stopping plugin: trayopen 12:36:17 vdr: [5383] stopping plugin: podcatcher 12:36:17 vdr: [5383] stop() start 12:36:18 vdr: [5383] stop() end 12:36:18 vdr: [5383] stopping plugin: mp3 12:36:18 vdr: [5383] stopping plugin: radio 12:36:19 vdr: [5383] ERROR: radiocheck thread 5554 won't end (waited 1 seconds) - canceling it... 12:36:19 vdr: [5383] stopping plugin: dvdselect 12:36:19 vdr: [5573] logger stats thread ended (pid=5573, tid=5573) 12:36:19 vdr: [5383] stopping plugin: burn 12:36:19 vdr: [5383] stopping plugin: extrecmenu 12:36:19 vdr: [5383] stopping plugin: skinsoppalusikka 12:36:19 vdr: [5383] cRecordControls::Shutdown() 12:36:19 vdr: [5383] cCutter::Stop() 12:36:19 vdr: [5383] delete Menu 12:36:19 vdr: [5383] cControl::Shutdown() 12:36:19 vdr: [5383] delete Interface 12:36:19 vdr: [5383] cOsdProvider::Shutdown() 12:36:19 vdr: [5383] Remotes.Clear() 12:36:19 lircd 0.7.1pre2[5874]: removed client 12:36:21 ntpd[5509]: ntpd exiting on signal 15 12:36:21 exiting on signal 15
Tobias Grimm wrote:
Any ideas, why vdr doesn't shut down gracefully, when shutting down the system?
Sorry - my fault :-( It was the default 5 seconds timeout, that was responsible to kill vdr after sending sigterm, because vdr takes slightly longer than 5 secondes to shutdown. Mainly because the thread auf cKbdRemote takes a while to end.
Tobias Grimm wrote:
Tobias Grimm wrote:
Any ideas, why vdr doesn't shut down gracefully, when shutting down the system?
Sorry - my fault :-( It was the default 5 seconds timeout, that was responsible to kill vdr after sending sigterm, because vdr takes slightly longer than 5 secondes to shutdown. Mainly because the thread auf cKbdRemote takes a while to end.
I don't see the KBD thread taking a while to end:
Jun 11 10:56:07 video vdr: [6488] caught signal 2 Jun 11 10:56:07 video vdr: [6501] KBD remote control thread ended (pid=6488, tid=6501) Jun 11 10:56:07 video vdr: [6488] saved setup to /video/setup.conf