Hello Mika
Closing of vdr-sxfe (by mouse clicking the close icon in dialog title bar) has some problem. It will stop displaying the the video-stream but will not close the vdr-sxfe dialog itself. To close the app, I need to use "killall -9 vdr-sxfe". "killall vdr-sxfe" without -9 will not work.
This is bugging me as well with the same software setup - if you "killall-it" *TWICE* you won't need SIGKILL to close the empty window.
I changed my sxfe script to get along with this at the moment:
#!/bin/bash sxfe_start="/usr/bin/vdr-sxfe --hotkeys --daemon --silent --video=xv -- audio=alsa:hw:1,3 xvdr://localhost"
if [ "$(pidof vdr-sxfe)" ]; then while [ "$(pidof vdr-sxfe)" ]; do killall -q -e vdr-sxfe sleep 1 done else $sxfe_start
Usually the while loop runs twice and the sxfe window closes with SIGTERM.
Mr. Tux