Hi Guys, I have two ATSC adapter.
On one I scan my channels, create my channels.conf file (via a convoluted script), the channels work on that laptop using 1.6. I make a couple of edits to allow it to work on 1.7.12, but a particular frequency causes VDR to crash and get restarted by the watchdog..
The offending frequency is 567000, It's a Qam256 ATSC Cable frequency. I have an HVR1850 PCI-E adapter. Unfortunetly, it's the mux with all my local SD channels, although I can watch the HD ones, two channels don't have HD versions..
I can't see anything in dmesg or the vdr log which causes a problem.
As an aside, a scan using w_scan to create a kaffeine channels.conf file on that adapter, doesn't find anything on that frequency. Am I getting interference from something? Any ideas?
Have you tried loading the driver with verbose logging enabled? This could be a driver problem.
Do you know about the atscepg plugin? It can now scan cable as well as atsc though cable scanning may need a bit more work. I think the author could use some feed back on cable scans to fine tune it. http://www.fepg.org/atscepg/download/
Use the hg version to get the latest. hg clone http://mercurial.intuxication.org/hg/atscepg
On 4/12/2010 1:36 PM, Rob Davis wrote:
It's Comcast. I am trying to narrow down the problem. I tried putting my USB dongle in the server yesterday, but couldn't get VDR up long enough to work out which card it was using for the channel, may try again today.
The usb adapter works upstairs on a patched VDR 1.6, but am not sure it works on 1.7.12 yet.. Will try again tomorrow. My main problem is by the time I get home from work, my wife wants to watch TV.
I discovered scte65scan, which I think will be excellent, I will probably use that and w_scan to a kaffeine file to create a channels.conf file with names on it.
VDR with update pids will throw away the audio pids consistently and put caids in when I can actually view the channels, so I don't use that..
On Tue, Apr 13, 2010 at 12:45 PM, Rob Davis rob@davis-family.info wrote:
Maybe she should read a book instead for a change then? Go for a walk/run? Take a nap? ;)
It turns out when everything was moved about on Saturday (We just moved into our house), someone stuck some power supplies over the cable feed. I guess I was getting interference on just that frequency. The tests I was doing was in another part of the house, which was why it worked..
I use vdpau and find it VERY picky about stream quality. It will crash. Xine not as bad but still more picky then the HW video out of a nexus. You could leave that on a badly pixelated stream all day. I've seen vdpau crash even when there are no visual problems with the stream. When it goes down, it seems to take xine with it. A big problem with using ATA and the signal is weak.
On 4/14/2010 5:33 AM, Rob Davis wrote:
Yup, me too. I have a button setup on my remote to kill vdr-sxfe and start xbmc-pvr, or vice versa. That way I don't need to get out of my chair to fix xine.
I also find on h264 streams, audio goes out of sync easily with vdpau/xine. Doesn't happen with either mplayer or xbmc. I have a Hauppauge PVR-HD which streams hd content from my cable box..
On Wed, Apr 14, 2010 at 12:13 PM, Rob Davis rob@davis-family.info wrote:
Maybe you need to adjust your buffer settings. Most guys I know run vdpau without problem but the ones who do have one seem to be a real pain in the *.
Quick way to force vdr to use selected tuners is the -D option. For example, if you want it to use the 1ts and 3rd in a 3 tuner system: -D 0 -D 3 Need all the spaces for it to work. Just add "-D x" for any tuner you want vdr to see. If you only have the plugin and the usb and only want vdr to use the usb, try "-D 1" likely the usb tuner is numbered after the slotted one.
On 4/13/2010 12:45 PM, Rob Davis wrote:
Do any networks or network providers provide free or accessible ATSC channels in the LA area?
Is it FTA, or do they require a CI/CAM?
On 01/10/10 04:07, Simon Baxter wrote:
Have a look here:
Once you've selected your zip code, it will tell you what you have via ATSC over the air, and ATSC-Qam through your cable companies.
I have some scripts which use this to build a channels.conf if you'd like..
On 01/10/10 14:21, Simon Baxter wrote:
Is there a CI/CAM option with ATSC-QAM cards? Or are the cable network encryption mechanisms proprietary (needing PVR with HDMI to get into VDR)?
As Thomas said, ATSC OTA is always free, however, CableCo's encrypt some of their channels.
I had to hack VDR to stop it from updating CAID as Comcast here put a CAID on channels that actually were FTA. I also had to patch VDR to allow stream type 0x80 to actually be 0x02, (Mpeg) as my PBS stations were encoded with type 0x80, which meant VDR gave them a vpid of 0 and thought they were radio channels.
From what I've read Comcast uses two levels of encryption, a basic one for tier one channels (extended basic in marketing terms) then a more comprehensive key encryption for their digital preferred channels.
I use a combination of two set top boxes, a PVR HD for HD channels and a PVR500 for SD channels, and two Clear Qam adapters for locals.
The Clear Qam are very good quality MPEG 2 HD or SD streams with AC3 audio, the PVR500 is reasonable, but one my boxes has interference on the svideo output.
The HD-PVR is really good, giving an H264 with AC-3 passthrough TS stream. However, every now and then the cable box glitches and the HD-PVR stops streaming. PVRInput isn't aware (yet - although Lars is looking into it) that it's not sending anything to VDR. This is a problem when recording as VDR restarts, if I'm doing concurrent recordings then I lose bits of other recording during this time. As an aside, AC-3 is passed through from the original ATSC-QAM stream, I had to patch VDR again to stop checking for ATSC on Audio Type 0x81 or VDR would ignore the audio dpid of the channel and set it to 0. This also had to be done for the VNSI plugin in XBMC-PVR.
I really want to thank Lars for teaching me about TS streams..
To find out what is around you, try this: http://tvfool.com/ It will tell you both the digital and any remaining analog stations, the direction and ~ signal level to your location.
ALL ATSC is FTA free to air. It is the replacement for the old analog FTA/OTA broadcast> all high power stations have been required to switch, so all major network stations in your area, abc, nbc, cbs, etc should be ATSC. Low power local stations did not have to switch, so you may have a few analog in the area.
On 10/1/2010 2:07 AM, Simon Baxter wrote: