I think there will be no problems on single disk systems cause of they have enough speed, but I found a Problem with external NFS-Devices. Beside my internal video-device I'm using one harddisk for Music, one for all of my Image's and an additional Device for VDR-Recordings. Cause of the slower network-access the initial scanning for recordings and empty directories, VDR is scanning all that Sound and Image-Stuff for several minutes. If I include my 4 GB cddb-archiv, it is about 20 minutes.
Therefor I changed the code of ScanVideoDir with a simple extension. It now looks first wether a file ".vdrexclude" Exists. If so it skips the entire directory-tree. This makes it easy to exclude a subdirectory tree by simply touching ".vdrexclude" in a directory that will not contain VDR-Recordings.
Might be, this could find a way into VDR sometimes.
Bye Volker Schierz
And here is what I did:
void cRecordings::ScanVideoDir(const char *DirName, bool Foreground, int LinkLevel) ... ... ... if (S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)) { // Start changes 1 char *excludeFile; asprintf(&excludeFile, "%s/%s", buffer, ".vdrexclude"); if( access( excludeFile,0) ) { // End changes 1 if (endswith(buffer, deleted ? DELEXT : RECEXT)) { cRecording *r = new cRecording(buffer); if (r->Name()) { Lock(); Add(r); ChangeState(); Unlock(); if (deleted) { r->fileSizeMB = DirSizeMB(buffer); r->deleted = time(NULL); } } else delete r; } else ScanVideoDir(buffer, Foreground, LinkLevel + Link); // Start changes 2 } free(excludeFile); // End Changes 2 } ... ...
Volker Schierz wrote:
I think there will be no problems on single disk systems cause of they have enough speed, but I found a Problem with external NFS-Devices. Beside my internal video-device I'm using one harddisk for Music, one for all of my Image's and an additional Device for VDR-Recordings. Cause of the slower network-access the initial scanning for recordings and empty directories, VDR is scanning all that Sound and Image-Stuff for several minutes. If I include my 4 GB cddb-archiv, it is about 20 minutes.
Therefor I changed the code of ScanVideoDir with a simple extension. It now looks first wether a file ".vdrexclude" Exists. If so it skips the entire directory-tree. This makes it easy to exclude a subdirectory tree by simply touching ".vdrexclude" in a directory that will not contain VDR-Recordings.
Well, actually there shouldn't be any non-VDR files in the video directory. Plus, since version 1.3.38 all disk access regarding recordings is done in a separate thread.