Hi All! Sorry my English.
Probably all have already faced a problem of Russian names and letters in vdr. For example it is impossible to use simultaneously both Russian and German letters in names of files (for example in MPlayer plugin). I recently have put myself vdr and it at once was not pleasant to me. So I a disgrace have changed all this. As fonts all of the different sizes and styles was necessary at the same time and freetype2 library to vdr to fasten. This is only with ttf fonts tested . Later the others I shall complete.
Patch it is made for the version 1.3.23
In setup.conf added some parameters for definition of fonts. For example:
FontFix = courbd.ttf FontFixSize = 16 FontOsd = arialbd.ttf FontOsdSize = 16 FontSml = verdana.ttf FontSmlSize = 12
By default fonts are as FontOsd arialbd.ttf size 16, FontSml arial.ttf size 12 und FontFix courbd.ttf size 15
These files at least for the first start should lay in config directories.
For each channel in channels.conf it is possible to establish the character coding, the field is added in the end every line. For example:
Das Erste;ARD:198500000:I0C34D12M16B7T8G4Y0:T:27500:101:102=deu:104:0:1:8468:9985:0:ISO8859-15
By default is ISO8859-15.
Possible variants are listed in: iconv --list
EPG data at reception are converted in UTF-8. So on a disk all (again created) files and descriptions will be already in UTF-8. I recommend to remove a file epg.data that data were already normally filled in UTF8
Pleasant viewings!!!
-- Alexander Riedel
On Thu, 2005-04-28 at 14:25 +0200, Alexander Riedel wrote:
Very interesting, but what about enhancing the font bitmap structure to carry antialiased fonts, and using FT_RENDER_MODE_NORMAL ?
cFont::Glyph(unsigned int c) const { [...] error = FT_Render_Glyph( face->glyph, FT_RENDER_MODE_MONO );
I guess this would be fairly trivial to add once FT support is in, by further modifying cBitmap::DrawText(), given some constraints on the OSD palette.
Hello :-)
What a tremendous idea to add utf-8 support in VDR !!!
I would really enjoy it to be added in vdr-1.3.24 : thank you very much!
I have to say it's a very good idea. One more step to convince Klaus to UTF-8 :-)
Alexander Riedel wrote:
It's probably a good idea to use libfontconfig instead of hardcoding file names here. This way the system wide installed fonts can be used and fontconfig will automatically pick the 'best' font for the job. The fonts you use are not available on most distributions by default...
Don't the stations tell you which encoding they are broadcasting in? Are there any channels with non-iso8859-1 encoding on Astra?
cu Ludwig
On 12/05/05, Ludwig Nussel ludwig.nussel@suse.de wrote:
I have to say it's a very good idea. One more step to convince Klaus to UTF-8 :-)
It would be really good if this was possible...
Is anyone able to patch VDR for utf-8 and with enAIO ? I can't run VDR without enAIO but I would really like to add utf-8 :-)
Ludwig Nussel wrote:
I have to say it's a very good idea. One more step to convince Klaus to UTF-8 :-)
Yes, it would be so very convenient. Even if I haven't tried this UTF-8 & freetype2 patch myself yet (I will, as soon as I get some little time), I know that users who want to use multiple languages in texts either in the UI or EPG data would benefit from it. Andreas Regel which maintains the graphlcd plugin included my freetype2 patches in the graphlcd plugin and it's underlying library, and I'm sure this UTF-8 support can be achieved there, too. But of course it would be wise to design how this should be handled together with Klaus and maybe even the text2skin, graphtft plugin maintainers/authors, in the hope that a robust and elegant design would be the result. Might be worth starting a new thread if Klaus accepts participating, even if it would only be for the next developer series of VDR, after he finishes 1.4.x-stable...
You might be right, I don#t know much about what libfontconfig actually does, and maybe this would also be subject to the discussion I mentioned above.
I don not know if there are any stations which do that, but there are definitively lots who don't, or don't even broadcast EPG, not to mention subtitles or text. For example, I'm supplying my VDR with EPG data from xmltv for romanian stations, which do not broadcast EPG. The data from XMLTV for those stations uses ISO-8859-2, and I can only see it properly if using the romanian VDR interface. Although I updated the romanian translation, I prefer using most programs and devices having a menu in english, but have *contents* displayed *properly*, which is something I believe UTF-8 could solve. BTW, the same issue applies with vdradmind
Are there any channels with non-iso8859-1 encoding on Astra?
As far as I remember, there must be some even on Astra, but 19,2°E is fortunately not the only orbital position one can receive with VDR, isn't it ;-) ?
Best regards, Lucian
Lucian Muresan wrote:
It's a local hardware restriction :-) For testing it would be convenient to have at least one station with different encoding.
cu Ludwig