There is new HD channel (crypted) at HotBird:
CANAL+ Sport HD:10719:v:S13.0E:27500:250:251=pol;252=ORY:0:100:4410:113:11000:0
VPID is 250. But when I have set it in VDR, I have only audio. While recording, it save 23MB in 5 minutes. VDR corrected the VPID to 0. Why? Video is MPEG4 stream...
Boguslaw Juza
Boguslaw Juza wrote:
There is new HD channel (crypted) at HotBird:
CANAL+ Sport HD:10719:v:S13.0E:27500:250:251=pol;252=ORY:0:100:4410:113:11000:0
VPID is 250. But when I have set it in VDR, I have only audio. While recording, it save 23MB in 5 minutes. VDR corrected the VPID to 0. Why? Video is MPEG4 stream...
Because VDR can't handle MPEG4 (yet).