Von :: Thomas Müller Thomas.Mueller@chairos.com An :: Klaus Schmidinger's VDR vdr@linuxtv.org Betreff: Re: [vdr] Hauppauge WinTV Nova-S SE Model 135 Datum: Tue, 01 Mar 2005 06:51:18 +0100
peter_weber69 wrote:
Hi, I intend to buy one of these cards they currently sell for 59 euros on the local Mediamarkt (Germany). Judging just by pictures of the card found on ebay and comparing with the box in the store, the card must be this one: http://www.muresan.de/htpc/nova-s_se_box_contents.jpg ....... Regards, peter
hi Peter,
see <a href=http://www.vdr-wiki.de/wiki/index.php/Hauppauge_NOVA-S.>http://www.vdr-wiki.de/wiki/index.php/Hauppauge_NOVA-S.</a> cya Thomas
Hi, I think the right link is (no point at the end): href=http://www.vdr-wiki.de/wiki/index.php/Hauppauge_NOVA-S%3Ehttp://www.vdr-wiki...</a>
Es wird bereits daran gearbeitet (in work)! Can you say how long i must wait or is it better to return the card.
regards peter
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peter_weber69 wrote:
Hi, I intend to buy one of these cards they currently sell for 59 euros on the local Mediamarkt (Germany). Judging just by pictures of the card found on ebay and comparing with the box in the store, the card must be this one: http://www.muresan.de/htpc/nova-s_se_box_contents.jpg ....... Regards, peter
hi Peter,
see <a href=http://www.vdr-wiki.de/wiki/index.php/Hauppauge_NOVA-S.>http://www.vdr-wiki.de/wiki/index.php/Hauppauge_NOVA-S.</a>
ups what has html to do in a txt-only mail ;)
Hi, I think the right link is (no point at the end): http://www.vdr-wiki.de/wiki/index.php/Hauppauge_NOVA-S
Es wird bereits daran gearbeitet (in work)! Can you say how long i must wait or is it better to return the card.
regards peter
For ur Information, ull get DVB-S Cards from TechnoTrend at www.dvbshop.net (55 euro's i think), so if ull add the shipping cost, ull only save 5-6 bucks for a card that's not supported. Or ull spend 5 bucks more to get a card that'll definetly work.
regards Thomas
peter_weber69 wrote:
see <a href=http://www.vdr-wiki.de/wiki/index.php/Hauppauge_NOVA-S.>http://www.vdr-wiki.de/wiki/index.php/Hauppauge_NOVA-S.</a>
I think the right link is (no point at the end): http://www.vdr-wiki.de/wiki/index.php/Hauppauge_NOVA-S
Es wird bereits daran gearbeitet (in work)! Can you say how long i must wait or is it better to return the card.
What is the current status; has anyone got it working?
I'm looking desperately :) for a low-profile DVB-s card.