Is it possible to use one VDR-server with two "output-devices"?
My plan is to use one VDR-server with a FF-card which should display its output via the FF-card on a small CRT-television with analog-sound over FBAS (this is no problem. I have already done that part of my plan.) and at the same time (!) via DVI- or VGA-out on a beamer/projector with AC3-sound.
With this setup I could control the system with one remote-control and be able to use the CRT for small transmissions like news and use the beamer for movies.
My next problem on this setup is that my VDR-server is located downstairs because there the noise it makes doesn't matter. And the CRT and beamer should be located in the living room. (The connection VDR-to-CRT is already to use. That was not the problem.)
So there are two problems remaining: - How can I get out VDRs picture (incl. OSD) on the DVI/VGA-port? - How can I get this signal plus AC3-sound into the living room? The smartest solution would be over ethernet, because I have ethernet in every room. The "big" solution that is obvious would be a VDR-streaming-client in the living room , but are there no other possibilities?
Any ideas?