would you somebody inform us about the current status of Extension HD PCI card from ReelMultimedia
http://www.reel-multimedia.de/shop/produ...223&language=en http://www.reel-multimedia.com/rmm-engli...xtension_hd.pdf http://www.directupload.net/images/070503/CjsyApL2.jpg
rgards Igor
Hello, I think it must be
http://www.reel-multimedia.com/shop/index.php?cPath=63 or http://www.reel-multimedia.de/shop/product_info.php?products_id=223&lang... and http://www.reel-multimedia.com/rmm-english/pdf/produkt-flyer/extension_hd.pd...
Wolfgang Rohdewald написав(ла):
On Dienstag, 25. Dezember 2007, Igor wrote:
would you somebody inform us about the current status of Extension HD PCI card from ReelMultimedia
the first two links don't work
ah, sorry
http://www.reel-multimedia.com/rmm-english/pdf/produkt-flyer/extension_hd.pd... http://www.reel-multimedia.de/shop/product_info.php?products_id=223&lang...
would you somebody inform us about the current status of Extension HD PCI card from ReelMultimedia
the first two links don't work
Igor schrieb:
would you somebody inform us about the current status of Extension HD PCI card from ReelMultimedia
http://www.reel-multimedia.de/shop/produ...223&language=en http://www.reel-multimedia.com/rmm-engli...xtension_hd.pdf http://www.directupload.net/images/070503/CjsyApL2.jpg
There are some cards out there, and one of them is mine :) Do not believe the "deliverable in 2-3 days" in the shop. Ask the reel people about the card.
There are patches to use the card with the vdr. I only know german speaking resources:
http://www.vdr-developer.org/wiki/index.php/HDTV_eHD This is a little bit outdated but gives an idea how it works.
http://www.vdr-portal.de/board/thread.php?threadid=71872 here you find some newer patches by that obscure guy called baltasar :)
happy x-mas baltasar
On 26 Dec 2007, at 02:05, Peter Evertz wrote:
Igor schrieb:
would you somebody inform us about the current status of Extension HD PCI card from ReelMultimedia
There are patches to use the card with the vdr. I only know german speaking resources:
http://www.vdr-developer.org/wiki/index.php/HDTV_eHD This is a little bit outdated but gives an idea how it works.
This page contains mostly build instructions.
Is the card able to switch between 480i s-video output and 720p HDMI output easily, ie. is it possible to just start up my projector and re- route the signal from my plain old TV into the projectors HDMI input without restarting VDR with different parameters? Dual output signals is something I'm looking for so this might be a deal maker for me.
I have several additional questions. are the hardware deinterlacing working with this card ? is there any postprocessing inside the card ? does the 1080p mode and upscaling from 720i till 1080i work properly ?
On Wed, Dec 26, 2007 at 09:40:31AM +0300, Igor wrote:
are the hardware deinterlacing working with this card ?
There's a Bob deinterlacer for upscaling SDTV to 576p/720p/1080i. I don't know if there is a plan for a more sophisticated algorithm.
is there any postprocessing inside the card ?
Except the usual filtering for the arbitrary up/downscaling, I'm not aware of any additional processing.
does the 1080p mode and upscaling from 720i till 1080i work properly ?
The 1080p mode currently crashes the display controller, but that seems to be a firmware problem. I don't know a 720i-mode, but upscaling 1280x720 AVIs to 1080i works.
On Wed, Dec 26, 2007 at 09:43:20AM +1000, Torgeir Veimo wrote:
Is the card able to switch between 480i s-video output and 720p HDMI output easily, ie. is it possible to just start up my projector and re- route the signal from my plain old TV into the projectors HDMI input without restarting VDR with different parameters? Dual output signals is something I'm looking for so this might be a deal maker for me.
Yes, you can switch the output mode via a shell utility or the vdr-GUI. Independent outputs (1080i on HDMI and 576i on SCART/YUV/S-Video) seem to be possible, but are not implemented yet. Currently HDMI and analog ouput have the same timining.