If a timer is triggered while the mplayer plugin is in use, VDR crashes. This has happened to me about a zillion times now and I'm hoping somebody will fix this! You can use the mplayer plugin after a timer is started no problem. Correct me if I'm wrong but mplayer should never have to take control of the tuner in the first place since it's not required to play a media file.
Free booze to anyone who can fix this incredibly annoying problem once and for all!!
Thanks. :)
VDR User wrote:
If a timer is triggered while the mplayer plugin is in use, VDR crashes. This has happened to me about a zillion times now and I'm hoping somebody will fix this! You can use the mplayer plugin after a timer is started no problem. Correct me if I'm wrong but mplayer should never have to take control of the tuner in the first place since it's not required to play a media file.
Free booze to anyone who can fix this incredibly annoying problem once and for all!!
This could be related to the fact that when mplayer-plugin forks mplayer from vdr, the /dev/dvb/adapter* file descriptors are copied as well and are not closed.
On 6/6/07, Anssi Hannula anssi.hannula@gmail.com wrote:
VDR User wrote:
If a timer is triggered while the mplayer plugin is in use, VDR crashes. This has happened to me about a zillion times now and I'm hoping somebody will fix this! You can use the mplayer plugin after a timer is started no problem. Correct me if I'm wrong but mplayer should never have to take control of the tuner in the first place since it's not required to play a media file.
Free booze to anyone who can fix this incredibly annoying problem once and for all!!
This could be related to the fact that when mplayer-plugin forks mplayer from vdr, the /dev/dvb/adapter* file descriptors are copied as well and are not closed.
Thanks for such a quick reply Anssi! Is that an easy thing to fix?
VDR User wrote:
On 6/6/07, Anssi Hannula anssi.hannula@gmail.com wrote:
VDR User wrote:
If a timer is triggered while the mplayer plugin is in use, VDR crashes. This has happened to me about a zillion times now and I'm hoping somebody will fix this! You can use the mplayer plugin after a timer is started no problem. Correct me if I'm wrong but mplayer should never have to take control of the tuner in the first place since it's not required to play a media file.
Free booze to anyone who can fix this incredibly annoying problem once and for all!!
This could be related to the fact that when mplayer-plugin forks mplayer from vdr, the /dev/dvb/adapter* file descriptors are copied as well and are not closed.
Thanks for such a quick reply Anssi! Is that an easy thing to fix?
Attached is a patch for mplayer plugin which closes file descriptors (except 0, 1, 2) when forking mplayer script.
On 6/7/07, Anssi Hannula anssi.hannula@gmail.com wrote:
Attached is a patch for mplayer plugin which closes file descriptors (except 0, 1, 2) when forking mplayer script.
I have tried the patch with several attempts now and everything worked fine. The timer was triggered & started recording while the mplayer playback was uninterrupted. No crashes, no problems as far as I can tell.
I'd like to express great thanks that you've taken the time to fix this bug as it's been a huge problem for a long time!
VDR User wrote:
On 6/7/07, Anssi Hannula anssi.hannula@gmail.com wrote:
Attached is a patch for mplayer plugin which closes file descriptors (except 0, 1, 2) when forking mplayer script.
I have tried the patch with several attempts now and everything worked fine. The timer was triggered & started recording while the mplayer playback was uninterrupted. No crashes, no problems as far as I can tell.
I'd like to express great thanks that you've taken the time to fix this bug as it's been a huge problem for a long time!
Nice to hear that :)
I hadn't previously investigated this further, as I have a multiple-card system, so I had only experienced minor problems because of this.
On 07 Jun 2007 Anssi Hannula anssi.hannula@gmail.com wrote:
Attached is a patch for mplayer plugin which closes file descriptors (except 0, 1, 2) when forking mplayer script.
Thanks. I took over that with slight changes. The final patch is attached. Could I please have some feedback if it's working as good as yours?
Stefan Huelswitt wrote:
On 07 Jun 2007 Anssi Hannula anssi.hannula@gmail.com wrote:
Attached is a patch for mplayer plugin which closes file descriptors (except 0, 1, 2) when forking mplayer script.
Thanks. I took over that with slight changes. The final patch is attached. Could I please have some feedback if it's working as good as yours?
Testing confirms it is closing the file descriptors as well, yes :)
On 6/8/07, Stefan Huelswitt s.huelswitt@gmx.de wrote:
Attached is a patch for mplayer plugin which closes file descriptors (except 0, 1, 2) when forking mplayer script.
Thanks. I took over that with slight changes. The final patch is attached. Could I please have some feedback if it's working as good as yours?
I have tested your patch severl times in a row just now and while VDR did not crash once, mplayer playback was aborted about 20% of the time when the timer was triggered. This doesn't (or hasn't so far) happen with Anssi's patch however. What are the differences between when/how he closes the file descriptors and when/how you are?
Many thanks Stefan & Anssi!
On 08 Jun 2007 "VDR User" user.vdr@gmail.com wrote:
I have tested your patch severl times in a row just now and while VDR did not crash once, mplayer playback was aborted about 20% of the time when the timer was triggered. This doesn't (or hasn't so far) happen with Anssi's patch however. What are the differences between when/how he closes the file descriptors and when/how you are?
As far as I see there is no difference beside the different way to get the max. number of filedescriptors, but this shouldn't have any impact.
On 6/8/07, Stefan Huelswitt s.huelswitt@gmx.de wrote:
As far as I see there is no difference beside the different way to get the max. number of filedescriptors, but this shouldn't have any impact.
The difference of how/when the fd's were being closed was the only thing I can think of that may be different between your patch and Anssi's. No other changes were made so I'm really at a loss why your version of the fix randomly aborts playback. Can you think of any further tests I can do?
Ok, after much testing Stefan's patch frequently aborts mplayer playback when a timer is triggered while Anssi's doesn't. I don't know why this is if both patches are essentially doing the same thing during the same time. Something must be different to give different results.
At any rate, please don't accept Stefan's method into the next version of the plugin until this last problem has been resolved.
Many thanks for the work to fix this once and for all!
VDR User schrieb:
If a timer is triggered while the mplayer plugin is in use, VDR crashes. This has happened to me about a zillion times now and I'm hoping somebody will fix this! You can use the mplayer plugin after a timer is started no problem. Correct me if I'm wrong but mplayer should never have to take control of the tuner in the first place since it's not required to play a media file.
Same thing with externalplayer-plugin and MMS. When you play a movie with mplayer and a timer is triggered, VDR crashes.
Thursday, June 7, 2007, 3:03:53 AM, VDR wrote:
If a timer is triggered while the mplayer plugin is in use, VDR crashes. This has happened to me about a zillion times now and I'm hoping somebody will fix this! You can use the mplayer plugin after a timer is started no problem. Correct me if I'm wrong but mplayer should never have to take control of the tuner in the first place since it's not required to play a media file.
Like I said last time this topic came up: I somehow got rid off the problem. I don't exactly remember the last thread about this problem and I didn't keep the mails - but wasn't there someone who also got rid off this problem by updating mplayer to a current SVN version?
I thought it had something to do with VDR's DVB settings and stuff but I also updated mplayer. Currently I'm using MPlayer dev-SVN-r22825-4.1.2 and VDR does not crash when a timer triggers (or stops) while using mplayer. Well, at least here.
-- Chris
On 6/7/07, Chris vdr@p-lost.franken.de wrote:
Like I said last time this topic came up: I somehow got rid off the problem. I don't exactly remember the last thread about this problem and I didn't keep the mails - but wasn't there someone who also got rid off this problem by updating mplayer to a current SVN version?
I thought it had something to do with VDR's DVB settings and stuff but I also updated mplayer. Currently I'm using MPlayer dev-SVN-r22825-4.1.2 and VDR does not crash when a timer triggers (or stops) while using mplayer. Well, at least here.
I compiled the current svn as suggested in that thread and it did not help the problem. If you have 2 dvb cards (which many of us don't) then you probably won't experience the problem.
At any rate saying you fixed it somehow is great, ...for you anyways. If the rest of us can't duplicate your magic then a proper fix is required which is what I'm hoping will be the result of this thread.
VDR User schrieb:
On 6/7/07, Chris vdr@p-lost.franken.de wrote:
Like I said last time this topic came up: I somehow got rid off the problem. I don't exactly remember the last thread about this problem and I didn't keep the mails - but wasn't there someone who also got rid off this problem by updating mplayer to a current SVN version?
I thought it had something to do with VDR's DVB settings and stuff but I also updated mplayer. Currently I'm using MPlayer dev-SVN-r22825-4.1.2 and VDR does not crash when a timer triggers (or stops) while using mplayer. Well, at least here.
I compiled the current svn as suggested in that thread and it did not help the problem. If you have 2 dvb cards (which many of us don't) then you probably won't experience the problem.
I can confirm that. It only crashes with one card.
Thursday, June 7, 2007, 5:29:23 PM, VDR wrote:
I compiled the current svn as suggested in that thread and it did not help the problem. If you have 2 dvb cards (which many of us don't) then you probably won't experience the problem.
I have 2 cards but I added the budget just recently and VDR did not crash while running with just one FF card for months.
At any rate saying you fixed it somehow is great, ...for you anyways. If the rest of us can't duplicate your magic then a proper fix is required which is what I'm hoping will be the result of this thread.
Since my FF card is in repair atm, I don't know if would be helpful if I play around with the VDR settings I recall to see if can force the crash again. If you guys want me to, I will do it as soon as the card arrives here.
Atm my system runs with the budget cards and an old HW+ card. Dunno if the problem would occur in this situation, anyway. (probably not)
-- Chris