The directories in the vdr-1.7.35 tarball are set to mode 700. If, like me, you run vdr directly from the source tree but under a different user to the one you use for compiling, your plugins will not load.
On 03.01.2013 16:34, Dave wrote:
The directories in the vdr-1.7.35 tarball are set to mode 700. If, like me, you run vdr directly from the source tree but under a different user to the one you use for compiling, your plugins will not load.
Looks like this was caused by an NFS problem on my system. Will be OK again in the next version.
Am 05.01.2013 13:16, schrieb Klaus Schmidinger:
Looks like this was caused by an NFS problem on my system. Will be OK again in the next version.
While on packaging, you might want to check for some empty folders that get packaged. Last version had a locale/ tree and a PLUGINS/src/dvbhddevice/locale/ tree with just folders, no files.