Hello, I've got a VDR server running with vdr-1.3.17. I also run a VDR streaming client (VIA Epia based) with vdr-1.3.11 over streamdev and NFS without problems. Now I try to get VDR running on a DBox2. The tuxbox project (Linux for Dbox2) incorporates a patched vdr-1.2.6. I could get this installed, OSD works, remote control works with LIRC. My problem is, if I try to replay a recording from the server via NFS, data gets streamed, but I see no pictures and hear no sound... Is anybody else running VDR on Dbox2 ? Is the recording format (of 001.vdr, e.g.) backward-compatible from 1.3.17 to 1.2.6 ? Greetings, Matthias
Huber, Matthias RD-CP1 wrote:
Now I try to get VDR running on a DBox2. The tuxbox project (Linux for Dbox2) incorporates a patched vdr-1.2.6. I could get this installed, OSD works, remote control works with LIRC.
Have you got a URL for that ?
My problem is, if I try to replay a recording from the server via NFS, data gets streamed, but I see no pictures and hear no sound... Is anybody else running VDR on Dbox2 ? Is the recording format (of 001.vdr, e.g.) backward-compatible from 1.3.17 to 1.2.6 ?
I'm still waiting for a clean solution (if it's with vdr or vlc) that allows me to play vdr-files on the dbox2 :( Any hints are welcome....
Huber, Matthias RD-CP1 wrote: ...
Now I try to get VDR running on a DBox2. The tuxbox project (Linux for Dbox2) incorporates a patched vdr-1.2.6. I could get this installed, OSD works, remote control works with LIRC. My problem is, if I try to replay a recording from the server via NFS, data gets streamed, but I see no pictures and hear no sound... Is anybody else running VDR on Dbox2 ?
I was. Actually, I also created the 1.2.6 dbox2 patch based on an earlier version by Alexander Olk (check the mailing list archives for details).
Replay worked here with the patch you have, but many other things did not, due to features that vdr used, the linux dvb driver has and the tuxbox dvb driver does not have.
I guess the reason why replay no longer works must also lie in the newer tuxbox dvb driver you use.
The whole thing became too time-consuming for me, so I bought a barebone and installed a "real" vdr on it.
Is the recording format (of 001.vdr, e.g.) backward-compatible from 1.3.17 to 1.2.6 ?
I do not think that the problem is there. See above.