I've created an inofficial VDR mirror on Github.
The target of this mirror is to collect all changes done by Klaus. Not only releases but also every "official" patch.
This allows you to keep a local VDR copy up-to-date by just running "git pull" from time to time.
It also helps to do own changes or to develop own modifications using git features. Feel free to create your own forks for this.
As this mirror is meant to have official content only, all pull requests will be closed without even commenting. The "upstream repo" will only be updated by a very small "group" of admins (currently only myself) and will only contain official, unmodified, patches and releases.
If you want to contribute to VDR, the only way is to create a patch file from your final work and send this to Klaus. https://git-scm.com/docs/git-format-patch