I have a questions about switching channels.
Maybe I have 3 devices (D1(Primary), D2 and D3) And maybe 4 Channels (C1, C2, C3 and C4)
the channels contains VPIDs: (just examples) C1 : 0x001, 0x002, 0x003, 0x004 C2 : 0x005, 0x006, 0x007, 0x008 C3 : 0x009, 0x010, 0x011, 0x012 C4 : 0x013, 0x014, 0x015, 0x016
I want the primary device(D1) to handle the wishes of the user. The last device(D3) should to be locked to Channel C3. (always stay there, LOCKED) The D2 can be set to each channel.
If I want to receive VPID 0x004 then my Plugin should test if I can receive the VPID over D1 or D3. If not it should tune D2 to the Channel and receive the data. If I want to add an other receiver to receive VPID 0x016, then my Plugin also test D1 and D3. if not it should test if D2 can be tuned to C4. In this case he cant tune because D2 is tuned to C1 and receive data.
An other view:
1)D1 is tuned to C1(show a program to user) 2)D3 is locked to C4 (and locked) 3)I create a receiver for 0x005, now D2 tune to C2 and the receiver can receive the data 4)I create a receiver for 0x006, the test resulted that the receiver can be added the D2 5)I create a receiver for 0x010, the test resulted that no device can be tuned. An error produced
Can anybody explain me how to create this scenario?
Greeting Patrick