Hi all,
there's an open bug report for the Gentoo VDR ebuilds regarding locale vars: http://bugs.gentoo.de/view.php?id=445
Up till now everything gets set to POSIX and afterwards LC_COLLATE gets set to whatever the user requests in the init script's config file. My suggestion was to make LANG accessible in the config file as well, because both are mentioned in the VDR docs.
Is there any final wisdom on which locale vars influence VDR?
Regards Sebastian
Sebastian Kemper wrote:
VDR itself doesn't react on any environment settings, except when checking for the presence of UTF8 (which it refuses to run with).
It's mainly the runtime library that reacts on these locale settings, using them to decide how to sort strings, for instance.
Klaus Schmidinger Klaus.Schmidinger@cadsoft.de wrote on Wed, Aug 30, 2006 at 05:48:42PM +0200:
Thanks Klaus,
I guess I'll just go on and suggest to set plain LANG.
Cheers Sebastian
On Wednesday 30 August 2006 17:48, Klaus Schmidinger wrote:
I think one part of the request was to find out which functions of libc/other runtime libs exactly are influenced by locale-settings (and which settings?).
And if it only is searching/sorting why not just strip the utf8 out of the locale-setting via code at the beginning of main and set charset to latin1 or the one selected by lang.
Annotation: Why does vdr.c only check for LC_CTYPE and LANG as LC_ALL overwrites them all when set.
Correct order for the check would be if (LC_ALL set and contains utf8) || (LC_CTYPE set and contains utf8) || (LANG set and contains utf8) { error; }
I vote for at least correct usage of charsets by vdr, that has not to be utf8, but will not be that more complicated once started. I could start a new thread if this leads to any useful discussion.