URL: http://mt.citd.de/master-timer-0.7.1.tar.bz2
Intro: Master-Timer is a system for automatic recording of series and movies.
Unlike VDR Admin or XXV it isn't a webfrontend for VDR with the added ability to define timers, but a tool which is dedicated for the task of creating and programming timers with the greatest possible power and flexibility. You have to define what/when/how you want to record something into text-configuration files. You should read the README/LIESMICH for more details.
Changes: - This release in mainly for the change in the 1.3.44 Version of VDR, which changes the timer-field: Summary to be the AUX-field. The new field "@" in the info.vdr will be taking the data which where stored in the "D" field in earlier VDR versions The only change is in the "done"-functionality to also look for the "@"-field in the info.vdr. If you don't use the "done"-functionality you can ignore this release - I ran README & LIESMICH and sample/torecord through a spell-checker, man i'm bad at writing documentation with proper spelled words. ;-) - clear-vdr.pl didn't work correctly, but it shouldn't be needed anymore anyway.
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