Hi folks,
here a new release of my Extended-Recordings-Menu-plugin.
- added czech translation; thanks to Vladimír Bárta - added missing dialog for video dvds - added more meaningful error messages - avoid empty names and names starting with . or .. while editing - free space display in title bar is now updated immediately - switched off editing of recordings and directories while a cut is in progress - switched off resume by 'Play' or 'Menu'->'Blue' for archive dvd recordings - changed back the behaviour if replay ends; plugin has to open to unmount archive dvds - removed setup option "While opening jump to last replayed recording"; its implemention interfers with the following one - after renaming a recording, the selection bar now stays at this renamed list entry - the parameters 'move' and 'rename' for the '-r'-option of VDR have now the following format: move/rename oldname newname - fixed hopefully all problems in connection with renaming and moving directories - plugins closes if there are no recordings - fixed
Screenshots and download: http://martins-kabuff.de/extrecmenu_en.html
Have fun with it!
Greets, Martin