Hi Patrick (and of course Klaus ;o))
For some days there i a new "Test Feed" channel being found automatic new channel scanner of vdr-1.6.0:
root@black:/etc/vdr# tail -1 channels.conf Test Feed;Test Feed:10920:hC56:S19.2E:22000:0:0:0:0:0:1:1063:0 root@black:/etc/vdr#
I pretty much had the same problem. AFTER discovering what was wrong, I simply deleted the "Test Feed" channel and VDR went back to normal operation. Actually, I woke up in the middle of the night because my TV set was continually blinking a white screen at me every few minutes ;o)) (Due to the drivers being reloaded), which is how a discovered the problem at all.
I did, however, lose a good number of timered shows. Not that this will kill me, but personally I don't think VDR should quit operations because of such a "simple" problem.
If there is an error in the channels.conf I see no reason to restart VDR more than once. If the conf file is defunct, then no number of restarts will bring it back to life ;o))
Personally, >>I<< think VDR should log such a problem and then display it on screen (I mean that's what the message bar is for ;o)) until the user aknowledeges that the message has been read.
While I am at problem discussing, I also think that VDR should NOT delete a timer, if it wasn't possible to fully record the movie. (This can happen if diskspace runs low or if a thunderstrom prevents good reception, e.g.) Here, too, either keep the timer (even if the movie is over) or at least post a message in the message bar "Timer xyz + movie title" wasn't recorded. Keep up the display until it is aknowledged by the user.
I know I haven't been posting recently (or doing any "nessy patches (insider for the older VDR users ;o))), but I still use and will continue to do so, only VDR as my method of recording and watching TV or beamer.
@Klaus: Do you think the above would be possible?
kind regards, Reinhard