Klaus Schmidinger wrote:
> Wolfgang Rohdewald wrote:
>> On Dienstag 08 Februar 2005 15:16, Klaus Schmidinger wrote:
>>>> 2. When replaying a radio recording and doing a fast forward, vdr
exits with a segfault. The progress bar always shows a value between 10
and 11 minutes. Here is the backtrace for this error:
>> about the same here but with 1.3.20. fast forward worked, fast backward
>> crashes:
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> Which radio channel did you record this on?
> My tests on ANTENNE BAYERN didn't show any such problem, so maybe
> it depends on the actual channel.
I tried with YOU FM, hr2 and Fritz, all with the same result.
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I am trying vdr 1.3.20 with sc 0.4.4.
On 91W, channels get freezed ater 5-10 mn, and sc reports
ecm extra data update...
it gets opened after a long time and redo same thing again
Sof*C*m is OK. Any idea .. ??
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Well, next problem, if anyone has any thoughts. VDR runs now! Thanks
Anssi, but I can't get Xine to connect to it. I am sure I am just doing
something stupid, so any ideas are appreciated. Here is proof that the
vdr-xine plugin is running I assume:
/tmp/vdr-xine$ ls
external.control stream stream.event
external.result stream.control stream.result
And I am using this as my command to start xine:
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
[View More]xine-ui/bin/xine
And Xine GUI starts and I get an error of:
- xine engine error -
There is no input plugin available to handle 'vdr:/
Maybe MRLsyntax is wrong or file/stream source doesn't exist.
I have ran xine by itself on an mpg file and verified the plugin for VDR
exists, it does mention right after it loads the VDR plugin that it is
code 15 and expecting 16, but I assume that is normal since I wasn't
connecting to a VDR stream.
Any thoughts or ideas are appreciated.
Anssi Hannula wrote:
> Chad Flynt wrote:
>> How do you use the streamdev client properly. I am not understanding
>> the instructions or it is just that the patch I am using isn't
>> working properly possibly. I am trying to run it on a laptop just
>> for playing, do I have to for testing have xine installed or should
>> vdr at least run with the client by itself just to start with, I will
>> end up with Xine on but just testing bits and pieces first. I
>> compiled and am starting with only -Pstreamdev-client and I get a
>> message of such:
>> vdr: ./PLUGINS/lib/libvdr-streamdev-client.so.1.3.20: undefined
>> symbol: _ZN16cMenuWhatsOnItemC1EPK6cEventP8cChannel
>> Just trying to find out what I am doing wrong, I haven't done
>> anything to the conf files yet didn't know if I could set up the
>> server through OSD. My server on my main vdr box runs great.
>> Thanks for any assistance.
> This is because of enAIO patch (though I think streamdev does
> something wrong as it has this undefined symbol). Here's a patch for VDR.
>--- vdr-1.3.20-bef-enaiofix/menu.c 2005-02-09 22:32:45.000000000 +0200
>+++ vdr-1.3.20/menu.c 2005-02-10 17:34:58.000000000 +0200
>@@ -961,7 +961,8 @@ private:
> public:
> const cEvent *event;
> const cChannel *channel;
>- cMenuWhatsOnItem(const cEvent *Event, cChannel *Channel, bool Now = false);
>+ cMenuWhatsOnItem(const cEvent *Event, cChannel *Channel);
>+ cMenuWhatsOnItem(const cEvent *Event, cChannel *Channel, bool Now);
> };
> const char * const cMenuWhatsOnItem::ProgressBar[7] =
>@@ -975,6 +976,11 @@ const char * const cMenuWhatsOnItem::Pro
> "[||||||]"
> };
>+cMenuWhatsOnItem::cMenuWhatsOnItem(const cEvent *Event, cChannel *Channel)
>+ cMenuWhatsOnItem(Event, Channel, false);
> cMenuWhatsOnItem::cMenuWhatsOnItem(const cEvent *Event, cChannel *Channel, bool Now)
> {
> event = Event;
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