vdr October 2012

  • 30 participants
  • 29 discussions
the great dynamite plugin ! :)
by syrius.ml@no-log.org 29 Oct '12

29 Oct '12

25 Oct '12
vdr-plugin-epgsearch-git failes to build
by cedric.dewijs@telfort.nl 24 Oct '12

24 Oct '12
in-kernel lirc and devinput
by Jouni Karvo 21 Oct '12

21 Oct '12
(no subject)
by Behrooz Ramezani 18 Oct '12

18 Oct '12
standard skin does not fit on 1280x1024
by cedric.dewijs@telfort.nl 17 Oct '12

17 Oct '12
plugin vdr-live failes to build
by cedric.dewijs@telfort.nl 16 Oct '12

16 Oct '12

13 Oct '12
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