I tried subtitle features and I saw some problems (I am using vdr-1.5.18 with softdevice and streamdev).
First auto channel update is need : there no way to save subtitle pid in channel.conf. I haven't info about this on the manual and it takes me some time how to make it works.
Next osd behaviour is weird : as soon as subtitle is started, when it will refresh it will mess up with other osd. For example if I start subtitle and then go to the menu, the menu will be clear by subtitle refresh, but I am still in menu mode.
Next, why like audio aren't there an entry in main menu for showing current subtitle tracks ? The only way to know that is to use keymacro with Subtiles key, but that could be hard to map it with remote with few keys.
Finally I have the impression that the subtitles synchronisation isn't good.
Thanks, Matthieu
On Wed, Mar 26, 2008 at 9:55 PM, matthieu castet castet.matthieu@free.frwrote:
Hi all,
Is there a fix for this problem ? I tested with vdr-1.6.0 + softdevice plugin. I have the same problem.
Klaus Schmidinger wrote:
Yes it seems to be a softdevice problem : there a post on the softdevice ML, the developper try something, but it didn't solve the problem. See http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.comp.video.vdr.softdevice/689
On Sat, Sep 6, 2008 at 2:18 PM, matthieu castet castet.matthieu@free.frwrote:
I see. Thanks for the information.
On Saturday 06 September 2008, matthieu castet wrote:
The streams I got in this softdevice thread play fine with subtitles and vdr-1.5.12., but with no subtitles when using vdr-1.6.0 :-( . A fix should be in softdevice cvs now (3rd try).
@Klaus: In vdr 1.5.12 maximum number of subtitles and audio languages could be set to 23. With vdr-1.6.0 I can select one more language (24 displayed as 2 boxes due to a font issue). After a vdr restart, number of languages is reset to 23 ;-) .
On Wednesday 10 of September 2008, Klaus Schmidinger wrote:
On 09/10/08 22:21, Stefan Lucke wrote:
On Saturday 06 September 2008, matthieu castet wrote:
I don't have any problems with subtitles in vdr-1.7.0 + eHD except timeout for clearing subtitle in eHD OSD, but it doesn't seems to be vdr-related, rather reelbox plugin problem.
Quoting Klaus Schmidinger Klaus.Schmidinger@cadsoft.de:
On 09/10/08 22:21, Stefan Lucke wrote:
The 23 vs. 24 number of language items is vdr (1.6.0) related only. But I don't think it's a real :-) problem.
Stefan Lucke