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[linux-dvb] Re: (not so) Brandnew Nova-Ci

    >>> Thus there's no load on the "LNB power supply" -- might be a factor.
    >> Yes, that corresponds with my observings. See [1] and esp. [2]. I
    >> didn't think that a software fix is possible though, because the
    >> Windows driver shows the same problems on my hardware.

    Claas> I've never tried the windows drivers with the card but as Torsten
    Claas> Duwe said in the first message of this thread he tested the
    Claas> windows driver and that worked fine.

Must clarify. Since I have no Windoze machine at all, and no spare PC to
ruin, I tested at a friend's place, who was willing to risk his '9x
installation. There the card did have to supply power to the LNB. Drivers
were quite recent, 2.15a IIRC.

I'll attach a volt meter instead of the antenna later and see what it


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