My VDR with utf-8 is working marvelously, except for a small cosmetic
problem. The non-7-bit characters are not shown correctly on my LCD.
The LCD expects characters (i.e. it is no a graphics-LCD, or at least
the kernel module isn't), in a certain character set (iso-8859-15
probably but I can't be actually sure, something very similar though).
The vdr-lcdproc outputs characters in utf-8 (since I want to use
utf-8). So, a utf-8 to iso-8859-15 conversion is required in the chain
[View More]LCDd-/dev/lcd0. Currently none of the aforementioned can
do the conversion.
I can do the wollowing:
'echo ä | iconv -f utf-8 -t iso8859-15 > /dev/lcd0'
To show a real "ä" on my LCD. So, I tried the following workaround on my box:
- mkfifo fakelcd
- tail fakelcd | iconv -f utf-8 -t iso8859-15 > /dev/lcd0
- Point LCDd to fakelcd
(this is as I recall I tried it, it was some weeks ago when I did the
actual tests)
The above would work otherwise, but iconv doesn't "tail" - i.e. it
waits for EOF (or something). I could do 'cat somefile > fakelcd',
with somefile containing utf-8 characters and it was shown, but that
won't work with VDR. Any other suggestions?
Also, in your opinion, which one in the chain
VDR-lcdproc-LCDd-/dev/lcd0 should be responsible of the conversion of
the character set? I'm asking so I know which programs author should I
point my whine to =)
- Ville
Ville Aakko - ville.aakko(a)gmail.com
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Recently I've been getting the following error when compiling the dvd plugin:
/usr/include/dvdread/ifo_types.h:32:2: error: #error "Must include
<inttypes.h> or <stdint.h> before any libdvdread header."
This is with debian sid, gcc-3.4 and gcc-4.2, and dvd-0.3.6-b04. I
tried to add #include <inttypes.h> into the beginning of
/usr/include/dvdread/ifo_types.h but it had no affect.
Many thanks for your help!
The target machine needs libz and libbz2 do you have both of these installed?
and are you sure that you have libboost-iostreams-dev installed properly.
Hope this helps.
works fine for me except that at the end of a scan it returns to channel 1 and
not the last channel ( pain in the arse)
Hi All,
I have a channel with identical EPG info for the same program, regardless of
episode. Often the program I want to record is repeated every six hours or
so, but depending on the day it may be every 12 hours or more (its somewhat
random) with a new episode sometime after midnight.
Using EpgSearch, is there a way to force a single recording in a search within
a specified period, without knowing the exact time that the 1st episode is
recorded _successfully_? i.e: allowing a …
[View More]maximum number of successful
(non-conflicting) timers/day per search?
I know that I can set a timer to record from (say) 12am to 12pm, but it would
be great if there is a way to guarantee a single recording regardless of
whether other timers take precedence or EPG similarity, when multiple
opportunities for a successful record exist in a day, without ending up with
2-4 copies of the same episode if no conflicts exist. Like a 'One-Shot'
timer that resets itself at midnight (or other settable period) instead of
deleting itself.
Many thanks to Klaus for VDR and all those people who've taken the time to
write and support plugins and patches, especially EPGSearch by Mike Constabel
and GraphLCD by Andreas Regel, who succeeded in making me a TV junkie when so
many others (including myself) have failed.... :)
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on my e-tobi based 1.6 setup, the CAM menu umlauts are broken, while all
the other menu items (that I checked so far) use the correct encoding.
Is there a recoding missing between the CAM and the vdr OSD?
I've just had success in getting xmltv2vdr-1.0.7 to send program data to
I generated my channels.conf using the Kaffeine satellite data file from
JoshyFun. The command line was "scan -a 1 -o vdr -p -x 0
Kaffeine_Astra_2A_2B_2D-28.2e > channels.conf".
Yesterday I had this line in my channels.conf:
BSkyB - BBC 2 England:10773:h:S28.2E:22000:5100:5101,5102:5103:0:6302:0:0:0
Today after booting up I have this one instead:
[View More]eng,5102=NAR:5103:0:6302:2:2045:0
Now all lines in my channels.conf are changed too. The result is that I can
now update the epg with xmltv2vdr-1.0.7.
My questions are "what has caused this change, and how can I force this to
Perhaps this change isn't what made things work but I'd like to know for next
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I had a similar problem with vdr not responding after it had been
"idle" for some time. Since I have the PC on all the time this
was usually in the mornings. This happened very infrequently
between 1 day and 60 days. Checked the log and every time the last
vdr entry was something like "Starting EPG scan" so I changed
"EPGScanTimeout = 0" and haven't had that problem since then.
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I.am testing combinations of softdevices with some vdr plugins like mp3
cdda, and last.fm.
Unfortunately some of these don't work as expected:
Last.fm doesn't work stable with xineliboutput.
It stopps every 20 sec the playback and takes about 1 or 2 sec to replay anything.
I noticed one more problem in cdda plugin and xineliboutput.
Xine skips the first 2/4 sec of the (first) replayed audiotrack.
Selecting other tracks after playback start works.
Mp3 plugin has some problems when I …
[View More]try to stop the playback.
The first two problems are xineliboutput related. The third one can be
reproduced with softdevice as well.
Perhaps someone can help to fix one or more problems here????
With regards Halim
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Hi Sundararaj
No your patch didn't help, in fact the scan nolonger terminates
properly....can't accept.....can only backout and hence can't save new
channels . still returns to channel 1......this is log message
virtual eOSState cMenuChannelscan::ProcessKey(eKeys) switching back to 1 ---
void cMenuScanActive::DeleteDummy() --- 1707 --
debug [scan] virtual cScan::~cScan()
DEBUG [channelscan] virtual cScan::~cScan() end cTransponders::Destroy();
Menus --- void cMenuChannelscan::…
[View More]SetInfoBar() -- scanState 3 ---
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