Plugins: Difference between revisions

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A Plugin is a program extension of [[VDR]], which can be reloaded as a library at runtime of the program.
Plugins are small software programs, which are used by another program to extend its functionality. Plugins, such as those for VDR, are typically implemented as shared libraries and cannot run standalone.

A plugin only needs to be recompiled if the plugin interface API version has changed in VDR. Some plugins are dependent on additional VDR patches in order to achieve the desired function.
VDR provides an easy to use plugin interface that allows additional functionality to be added to the program by implementing a dynamically loadable library file. This interface allows programmers to develop additional functionality for VDR completely separate from the core VDR source, without the need of patching the original VDR code (and all the problems of correlating various patches).

* see [[Plugin Installation]]
Many plugins where written for VDR and it is most likely that this list here is not up-to-date.
* Special features are described on the corresponding plugin page.

As you might possibly know there are different version of VDR available, the stable branch, designated for the end-user with a fixed plugin interface and the developer branch for the advanced and adventures user where everything is in a state of flux.
{{Box Info|
Plugins last updated before VDR-1.7.0, can to be found in the [[List of outdated Plugins]].<br>
Most likely that list here is not up-to-date, you may want to search on the [ German wiki] for newer informations.}}

As the developer versions are normally rather stable most users tend to use them and hence many developers adapt their plugins to the latest VDR developer version. But this list don't show the VDR version needed for a plugin.
{| width=100% class="wikitable"

[[#A|A]] [[#B|B]] [[#C|C]] [[#D|D]] [[#E|E]] [[#F|F]] [[#G|G]] [[#H|H]] [[#I|I]]
[[#J|J]] [[#K|K]] [[#L|L]] [[#M|M]] [[#N|N]] [[#O|O]] [[#P|P]] [[#Q|Q]] [[#R|R]]
{{Plugins_item|ac3mode|Indicates the number of audio channels (eg 5.1)|x||}}
[[#S|S]] [[#T|T]] [[#U|U]] [[#V|V]] [[#W|W]] [[#X|X]] [[#Y|Y]] [[#Z|Z]]
{{Plugins_item|actuator|Control of a satellite dish rotor via parallel port|x||}}
{| width=100% border=1 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0 style="empty-cells:show; border-collapse: collapse"
{{Plugins_item|admin|Starting / stopping services, editing configuration files|x||}}
|- bgcolor=#efdead
{{Plugins_item|alcd|Text output on [[Activy]] LC displays|x||}}
| '''Plugin'''
{{Plugins_item|arghdirector|Usage of Sky MultiFeed channels, Fork of [[Director-plugin]]|x||}}
| '''Description'''
{{Plugins_item|atscepg|shows ATSC (North America) EPG|x||}}
| '''Maintainer''' (Please avoid nicknames!)
{{Plugins_item|autostart|Start tasks when you insert removable media|x||}}
|- id="A"
{{Plugins_item|audiorecorder|Automatically records radio channels with matching title|x||}}
| [[actuator-plugin|actuator]]
| Satellite dish rotor

| Luca Olivetti
| [[admin-plugin|admin]]
{{Plugins_item|beep|Audible messages via internal PC speaker|x||}}
| Administrative tasks
{{Plugins_item|bgprocess|Progress indicator for external programs, controlled by [[SVDRP]]|x|x|}}
| Helmut Auer
{{Plugins_item|block|EPG background scan for unwanted TV events|x||}}
{{Plugins_item|bluray|A simple BluRay player.|||}}
| [[aide-plugin|aide]]
{{Plugins_item|burn|Burn movies to [[DVD]]|x||}}
| OSD Help browser
| SAD & Slava

| [[alcd-plugin|alcd]]
| Activy300 LCD Display
{{Plugins_item|cdplayer|Play Audio CDs|x|x|}}
| Markus Geisler
{{Plugins_item|chanman|Select/Change channel list via [[OSD]]|x|x|}}
{{Plugins_item|channelblocker|Administrate blocked channels for channel block patch|||}}
| [[analogradio-plugin|analogradio]]
{{Plugins_item|channellists|Switch channel lists via OSD|||}}
| support for analog radio cards
{{Plugins_item|cinebars|Creates virtual cine bars|x|x|x}}
| Sebastian Kuhlen
{{Plugins_item|control|[[OSD]] output on Telnet terminal|x||}}
{{Plugins_item|cpumon|Displays CPU usage|x||}}
| [[analogtv-plugin|analogtv]]
| analog TV card as MPEG input device

| Andreas Kool
| [[audiocd-plugin|audiocd]]
{{Plugins_item|dbus2vdr|Control VDR via D-Bus|x|x|}}
| Audio CD
{{Plugins_item|Deluxe|Store DeluxeMusic TV shows|x||}}
| Alexander Loehr
{{Plugins_item|devstatus|Display DVB device status (incl. running records)|x|x|x}}
{{Plugins_item|dummydevice|Dummy output device|x||}}
| [[autotimeredit-plugin|autotimeredit]]
{{Plugins_item|dvbhddevice|Output Device plugin for TT S2-6400 DVB card|x|x|x}}
| OSD autotimer
{{Plugins_item|dvd|A DVD player|x|x|x}}
| Hardy Flor
{{Plugins_item|dvdswitch|Plays DVD Images|x||}}
|- id="B"
{{Plugins_item|dynamite|"Plug'n'play" of DVB receivers|x||}}
| [[beep-plugin|beep]]
| Beep

| Andreas Brachold
| [[burn-plugin|burn]]
{{Plugins_item|eepg|Extended EPG import|x|x|}}
| Burn DVDs of VDR recordings
{{Plugins_item|epgfixer|Processing of EPG content with RegExp|x|x|}}
| Sascha Volkenandt
{{Plugins_item|epgsearch|Advanced EPG search and automatic creation of timers|x|x|}}
{{Plugins_item|epgsync|imported EPG of an other VDR via SVDRP|x|x|}}
| [[bitstreamout-plugin|bitstreamout]]
{{Plugins_item|exec|integrated timer for actions / shell commands in VDR|x||}}
| Dolby Digital over a sound card (ALSA sound driver)
{{Plugins_item|externalplayer|use external programs as player|x|x|}}
| Werner Fink
{{Plugins_item|extrecmenu|advanced recording menu|x|x|}}
| [[browser-plugin|browser]]

| Web Browser
| Marcel Schaeben
|- id="C"
{{Plugins_item|favorites|List of favorite channels|x||}}
| [[calc-plugin|calc]]
{{Plugins_item|femon|Display of signal information of a DVB card|x|x|x}}
| Simple calculator
{{Plugins_item|fepg|Tabular EPG index|x||}}
| Eric Svenson
{{Plugins_item|ffnetdev|An output plugin via network|x||}}
{{Plugins_item|filebrowser|File Manager|x|x|}}
| [[calendar-plugin|calendar]]
{{Plugins_item|fritzbox|ISDN telephone call manager|x|x|}}
| Shows the [[EPG]] data in form of a calendar
| Jan Rieger

| [[channelswitcher-plugin|channelswitcher]]
| Switch between several channel settings
{{Plugins_item|gbc|GameBoy - Emulator|x||}}
| ?
{{Plugins_item|graphlcd|Output information on graphical LCDs|x|x|}}
{{Plugins_item|graphtft|Output information on TFTs|x||}}
| [[chanorg-plugin|chanorg]]
| ?

| ?
| [[cinebars-plugin|cinebars]]
{{Plugins_item|hattrick|A match viewer for the online browser game Hattrick|||}}
| Creates virtual bars around the video
{{Plugins_item|hello|A simple 'hello' sample plugin|x||}}
| Andreas Brugger
{{Plugins_item|history|Maintains a history of played recordings and files.|||}}
| [[clock-plugin|clock]]

| shows a clock
| Mario Aistleitner
{{Plugins_item|inputdev|Reads input events from /dev/input/eventX (KBD, IR, mouse)|||}}
| [[console-plugin|console]]
{{Plugins_item|imonlcd|Output information on imonLCD.|x|x|}}
| Text console via OSD
{{Plugins_item|infosatepg|Loading EPG data via satellite|||}}
| Jan Rieger
{{Plugins_item|iptv|Use IPTV in VDR|x||}}
| [[control-plugin|control]]

| displays the OSD on the console
| Jan Rieger
| [[csf-plugin|csf]]

| Sorts channels
| Juan Morra
|- id="D"
| [[digicam-plugin|digicam]]
{{Plugins_item|kvdrmon|one KDE auxiliary plug-in for kvdrmon|||}}
| Access to digital cameras
| Peter Juszack

| [[director-plugin|director]]
| Use multifeed channels of Premiere
{{Plugins_item|lastfm|Playing music|||}}
| Emanuel Wontorra
{{Plugins_item|lcdproc|Output information on LCDs|||}}
{{Plugins_item|lcr|a telephone least cost Manager|||}}
| [[dsmcc-plugin|dsmcc]]
{{Plugins_item|lightpack|Access to Lightpack/Prismatic software from VDR|x|x|}}
| Mhp data carousel (alpha)
{{Plugins_item|lircrc|Native LIRC support|||}}
| Richard Palmer
{{Plugins_item|live|Live Interactive VDR Environment|x|x|}}
{{Plugins_item|loadepg|Import of Canal+ EPG data|||}}
| [[dv-plugin|dv]]
| Access to camcorder

| Erich Bachl
| [[dvd-plugin|dvd]]
{{Plugins_item|mailbox|Simple email client|x||}}
| DVD player plugin
{{Plugins_item|markad|advertising scanner, sets cutting marks using [[Markad]]|x|x|}}
| Andreas Schultz, Sven Goethel
{{Plugins_item|menuorg|Organize the OSD menu with submenus|x||}}
{{Plugins_item|mldkgui|MLDonkey plugin|||}}
| [[dvdconvert-plugin|dvdconvert]]
{{Plugins_item|mlist|History of all OSD messages|||}}
| dvd2vdr
{{Plugins_item|mouse mate|Control with Mouse|x||}}
| Ronny Frankowski
{{Plugins_item|mp3|MP3 player|||}}
{{Plugins_item|muggle|mp3 database|||}}
| [[dvdselect-plugin|dvdselect]]
| mounts DVD drives

| Torsten Kunkel
| [[dxr3-plugin|dxr3]]
{{Plugins_item|neutrinoepg|Displays the EPG information in the classic Neutrino look|x|x|}}
| DXR 3/Hollywood+-card as MPEG output device
{{Plugins_item|noepg|EPG for some channels block / allow|x||}}
| Andreas Schultz, Stefan Schluenss, Christian Gmeiner
|- id="E"

| [[epgsearch-plugin|epgsearch]]
| Search the [[EPG]] data
| Christian Wieninger
{{Plugins_item|osdadjust|OSD adjust size and position on the screen|||}}
{{Plugins_item|osddemo|Demo plug-in for use of the VDR OSD|x||}}
| [[extb-plugin|extb]]
{{Plugins_item|osdpip|a TV image of another transmitter Show.|x||}}
| Controlling the VDR Extension Board
{{Plugins_item|osdserver|OSD access via TCP / IP for other programs|x||}}
| Andreas Brachold
{{Plugins_item|osdteletext|Teletext via OSD|x|x|}}
|- id="F"
{{Plugins_item|otv4vdr|TPS EPG Import|||}}
| [[femon-plugin|femon]]
| Shows the DVB signal quality

| Rolf Ahrenberg
| [[fepg-plugin|fepg]]
{{Plugins_item|peer|Edit timers on VDRs, and access to the OSD|x|x|}}
| Shows [[EPG]] data graphically + navigation
{{Plugins_item|permashift|Plugin for permanent timeshift|x|x|}}
| Alex L.
{{Plugins_item|pin|Parental control for VDR|||}}
{{Plugins_item|play|Mplayer plugin for VDR and X11|||}}
| [[freecell-plugin|freecell]]
{{Plugins_item|playlist|Using playlists for video recording|||}}
| FreeCell card game
{{Plugins_item|premiereepg|premiereepg2vdr as a plugin|x||}}
| Sascha Volkenandt
{{Plugins_item|pvr350|TV image on a Hauppauge PVR 350|x||}}
|- id="G"
{{Plugins_item|pvrinput|Use analog TV card|x||}}
| [[games-plugin|games]]
| A little game collection

| Clemens Kirchgatterer
| [[graphlcd-plugin|graphlcd]]
| several graphic LCDs

| Andreas Regel
| [[graphtft-plugin|graphtft]]
{{Plugins_item|radio|Background image for radio stations, as well as RDS text|x|x|}}
| drives TFT displays
{{Plugins_item|remote|Support of remote controls ("/dev/input/x")|x|x|x}}
| Lars Tegeler
{{Plugins_item|remoteosd|Access to the main menu of another VDR|x|x|}}
|- id="H"
{{Plugins_item|remotetimers|Timer management in Client-/Server-Struktur|x|x|}}
| [[hello-plugin|hello]]
{{Plugins_item|restfulapi|Provides a RESTful API to access VDR data ready|x|x|}}
| A simple 'hello' plugin
{{Plugins_item|ripit|Ripping of audio CDs|x||}}
| Klaus Schmidinger
{{Plugins_item|rotor|Controls satellite dish rotor|||}}
|- id="I"
{{Plugins_item|rotorng|Controls satellite dish rotor|||}}
| [[iaxphone-plugin|iaxphone]]
{{Plugins_item|rssreader|show RSS news feeds|x||}}
| Iax (asterisk) softphone
| Luca Olivetti

| [[image-plugin|image]]
| Image viewer plugin
{{Plugins_item|sc|Software Conditional Access Module|x|x|}}
| Andreas Brachold
{{Plugins_item|scheduler|control external tasks with VDR|||}}
{{Plugins_item|screenshot|Makes Screenshots|||}}
| [[isdnlog-plugin|isdnlog]]
{{Plugins_item|scripting|VDR connect with Ruby|||}}
| ISDN log
{{Plugins_item|seduatmo|AtmoLight for SEDU based controller|||}}
| Andreas Kool
{{Plugins_item|setup|Edit system settings and VDR-menus|||}}
|- id="J"
{{Plugins_item|sked|SoftCam.Key EDitor|||}}
| [[joystick-plugin|joystick]]
{{Plugins_item|skincurses|Skin for the console|x||}}
| Use the joystick as remote control
{{Plugins_item|skinelchi|Elchi patch as a plugin|x|x|}}
| Andreas Regel
{{Plugins_item|skinflat|a simple and slim skin for VDR||x|}}
|- id="K"
{{Plugins_item|skinenigmang|D-Box Enigma skin|x|x|}}
| [[kathreinlcd-plugin|kathreinlcd]]
{{Plugins_item|skinnOpacity|True Color skin for HD VDRs||x|}}
| I²C displays
{{Plugins_item|skinpearlhd|PearlHD the skin as a native plugin|||}}
| Sascha Volkenandt
{{Plugins_item|skinsoppalusikka|Elchi-skin as a plugin|x||}}
|- id="L"
{{Plugins_item|SkySelectFeeds|Multifeed option of "Sky Select"|x||}}
| [[launcher-plugin|launcher]]
{{Plugins_item|sleeptimer|countdown counter for tasks/shutdown|x|x|}}
| Starts other plugins
{{Plugins_item|smarttvweb|Recordings and live TV on SmartTVs/-phones|x||}}
| Christian Wieninger
{{Plugins_item|sndctl|Sound Mixer control|x||}}
{{Plugins_item|softhddevice|HDTV output plugin for VDR with GPU support.|x|x|}}
| [[lcdproc-plugin|lcdproc]]
{{Plugins_item|Solarstorm|multi-channel TV backlight|x||}}
| Alphanummeric displays
{{Plugins_item|span|provides audio FFT data available|||}}
| Martin Hammerschmid
{{Plugins_item|spider|the spider game|||}}
{{Plugins_item|sportng|Soccer game results|||}}
| [[lirc-plugin|lirc]]
| Lirc test plugin
{{Plugins_item|streamplayer|Plays video streams|||}}
| Emanuel Wontorra
{{Plugins_item|sudoku|Generate and solve Number Place puzzles|||}}
{{Plugins_item|suspendoutput|black background|||}}
| [[locker-plugin|locker]]
{{Plugins_item|svdrposd|OSD menu via SVDRP||x|}}
| ?
{{Plugins_item|svdrpservice|Interface for access to SVDRP server||x|}}
| ?
{{Plugins_item|systeminfo|System information via OSD|x|x|}}
|- id="M"
| [[mailbox-plugin|mailbox]]

| Simple email client
| Alexander Rieger
{{Plugins_item|targavfd|Control Futaba Dot-Matrix Display|x|x|}}
| [[manual-plugin|manual]]
{{Plugins_item|text2skin|An interpreter for xml-based skins|x|x|}}
| displays a manual
{{Plugins_item|timeline|Displays collisions programmed timer|||}}
| Merten Falk
{{Plugins_item|TVGuide|a 2D EPG Viewer manner of a TV magazine|x|x|}}
{{Plugins_item|tvtv|TvTv in OSD|||}}
| [[mediamvp-plugin|mediamvp]]
| Media MVP

| Dominic Morris
| [[mhp-plugin|mhp]]
{{Plugins_item|uactivity|Starts shell scripts for changes in user activity|x||}}
| [[Mhp]] for VDR
{{Plugins_item|undelete|Recovery of deleted recordings||x|}}
| Marcel Wiesweg
{{Plugins_item|upnp|via UPnP AV access to VDR|x|x|}}
| [[mlcd-plugin|mlcd]]

| Siemens Multitainer LCD display
| Meinrad Sauter
{{Plugins_item|vdrmanager|VDR control via Android|x||}}
| [[mldkgui-plugin|mldkgui]]
{{Plugins_item|vdrrip|Movie Encoder|x||}}
| Controls MLDonkey
{{Plugins_item|vdrtva|TV-Anytime ( Accurate Recording and Series Link )|x|x|}}
| ?
{{Plugins_item|vompserver|VDR as Hauppauge MediaMVP server||x|}}
| [[mldonkey-plugin|mldonkey]]
| Controls MLDonkey
| Dominik Meyer

| [[mp3-plugin|mp3]]
| MP3 Player
{{Plugins_item|webvideo|Loading videos from the internet|x||}}
| Stefan Huelswitt
{{Plugins_item|wirbelscan|a Channel Scanner for digital and analogue TV|x|x|x}}
{{Plugins_item|wirbelscancontrol|a main menu for [[wirbelscan-plugin]]|x||}}
| [[mplayer-plugin|mplayer]]
| Plays divers Video formats (e.g. DivX)

| Stefan Huelswitt
| [[mplayercluster-plugin|mplayercluster]]
{{Plugins_item|xineliboutput|a libxine based VDR output device|x|x|}}
| remote MPlayer
{{Plugins_item|xmame|Start Xmame games within the VDR|x||}}
| Sascha Volkenandt
{{Plugins_item|xmltv2vdr|Import EPG data into VDR|x|x|}}
| [[muggle-plugin|muggle]]

| MP3 player with Database backend
| Andi Kellner, Lars von Wedel, Ralf Klueber
|- id="N"
{{Plugins_item|yaepg|Electronic Program Guide|||}}
| [[network-plugin|network]]
{{Plugins_item|yaepghd|Electronic Program Guide|x|x|}}
| Change netzwork settings
{{Plugins_item|yacoto|Converts recordings to other formats|||}}
| Sebastian Ortwein

| [[newsticker-plugin|newsticker]]
| A simple newsticker
| Emanuel Wontorra
{{Plugins_item|zaphistory|List of recently-watched programs with statistics|x|x|}}
|- id="O"
{{Plugins_item|zappilot|Show EPG without channel switching|||}}
| [[osddemo-plugin|osddemo]]

| Demonstrates the On-Screen-Display
| Klaus Schmidinger
| [[osdimage-plugin|osdimage]]
| Image viewer for the [[OSD]]
| Andreas Brugger
| [[osdpip-plugin|osdpip]]
| Picture-in-picture
| Sascha Volkenandt
| [[osdteletext-plugin|osdteletext]]
| Teletext decoder for the OSD
| Marcel Wiesweg
| [[osdtest256-plugin|osdtest256]]
| Test plugin for a 4MB modded DVB card
| Oliver Endriss
|- id="P"
| [[pcd-plugin|pcd]]
| Photo CD
| Thomas Heiligenmann
| [[pilot-plugin|pilot]]
| Zapping Co-Pilot
| Olivier Jacques
| [[pim-plugin|pim]]
| Personal Information Manager
| Achim Tuffentsammer
| [[playlist-plugin|playlist]]
| Playlists for recordings
| Hardy Flor
| [[pluginsetup-plugin|pluginsetup]]
| Manage plugins over OSD
| Andreas Fey
| [[powermate-plugin|powermate]]
| Use the Griffin PowerMate to control some functions
| Andreas Regel
| [[prefermenu-plugin|prefermenu]]
| Preferred channels
| Olivier Jacques
| [[pvr350-plugin|pvr350]]
| analog TV card as MPEG output device (only Hauppage PVR 350)
| Dominic Morris
|- id="R"
| [[radio-plugin|radio]]
| Background image for radio channels
| Lars Tegeler
| [[remote-plugin|remote]]
| Support of additional remote controls
| Oliver Endriss
| [[rotor-plugin|rotor]]
| Drive the satellite dish rotor
| Thomas Bergwinkl
|- id="S"
| [[safe-plugin|safe]]
| ?
| Torsten Kunkel
| [[sc-plugin|sc]]
| Software CAM (Conditional Access Modul)
| ?
| [[screenshot-plugin|screenshot]]
| Creates screenshots
| Joachim Wilke
| [[serial-plugin|serial]]
| Control VDR through keys connected to the serial interface
| Ralf Klueber
| [[sked-plugin|sked]]
| A OSD editor
| ?
| [[skincurses-plugin|skincurses]]
| ?
| Klaus Schmidinger
| [[skinnotrans-plugin|skinnotrans]]
| Transparent [[OSD]], e.g. for [[softdevice-plugin|softdevice]]
| Torgeir Veimo
| [[sky-plugin|sky]]
| mpeg2 encoder plugin (auch als "dummy" input)
| Klaus Schmidinger
| [[sleeptimer-plugin|sleeptimer]]
| Runs commands/shutdown with "countdown" timer
| Thomas Koch
| [[snapshot-plugin|snapshot]]
| Creates screenshots
| Petri Hintukainen
| [[softdevice-plugin|softdevice]]
| [[Framebuffer]] as output device
| Roland Praml, Stefan Lucke
| [[softdevice2net-plugin|softdevice2net]]
| Use the network output device instead of the [[framebuffer]]
| ?
| [[solitaire-plugin|solitaire]]
| Solitaire card game
| Patrick Maier
| [[status-plugin|status]]
| [[OSD]] status
| Klaus Schmidinger
| [[statusandquestion-plugin|statusandquestion]]
| Extension of the [[Svdrp|SVDRP]] protocol
| Hardy Flor
| [[statusbits-plugin|statusbits]]
| ?
| Andreas Regel
| [[statusleds-plugin|statusleds]]
| Use the LED's of the keyboard
| Bernd Juraschek
| [[streamdev-plugin|streamdev]]
| Streaming Server/Client
| Sascha Volkenandt
| [[submenu-plugin|submenu]]
| Creation of submenus in VDR for everything
| [[subtitles-plugin|subtitles]]
| DVB subtitles decoder
| Pekka Virtanen
| [[sysinfo-plugin|sysinfo]]
| System informationen via [[OSD]]
|- id="T"
| [[taste-plugin|taste]]
| Disable specific broadcasts after keywords
| Sascha Volkenandt
| [[teletext-plugin|teletext]]
| Teletext dekoder
| Peter Seyringer
| [[text2skin-plugin|text2skin]]
| A loader for OSD skins
| Sascha Volkenandt
| [[timeline-plugin|timeline]]
| Shows collisions of programmed timers
| Jürgen Schmitz
| [[transfron-plugin|transfron]]
| Frontend for transcode/MPEG4IP
| Daniel Pees
| [[trayopen-plugin|trayopen]]
| ?
| ?
| [[ttxtsubs-plugin|ttxtsubs]]
| Teletext subtitles
| Ragnar Sundblad
| [[tvonscreen-plugin|tvonscreen]]
| TV-OnScreen [[EPG]] viewer
| Jürgen Schmitz
| [[tvtv-plugin|tvtv]]
| TVTV via OSD
| Gerald Berwolf
|- id="U"
| [[undelete-plugin|undelete]]
| Recovery of recordings marked for deletion
| Hardy Flor
| [[usbremote-plugin|usbremote]]
| Remote Plugin for Plug-USB (AVR)
| Lars Tegeler
|- id="V"
| [[vbox-plugin|vbox]]
| Frontend for the VBox answering machine
| Gunnar Roth
| [[vcd-plugin|vcd]]
| S/VCD Player
| Thomas Heiligenmann
| [[vdrc-plugin|vdrc]]
| Commander file manager
| Gerald Berwolf
| [[vdrcd-plugin|vdrcd]]
| AutoPlay function
| Sascha Volkenandt
| [[vdrconvert-plugin|vdrconvert]]
| ?
| Dimitrios Dimitrakos
| [[vdrmail-plugin|vdrmail]]
| eMail plugin
| Peter Seyringer
| [[vdrrip-plugin|vdrrip]]
| Movie encoder
| Herbert Attenberger
| [[viewer-plugin|viewer]]
| ?
| Gerhard Steiner
|- id="W"
| [[wapd-plugin|wapd]]
| Remote control through WAP
| Thomas Heiligenmann
| [[weather-plugin|weather]]
| Weather informationen
| Steffen Moldaner
|- id="X"
| [[x11out-plugin|x11out]]
| X11 over DVB
| Jürgen Schmitz
| [[xine-plugin|xine]]
| ?
| Reinhard Nissl
| [[xineliboutput-plugin|xineliboutput]]
| X11 frontend for VDR
| Petri Hintukainen
| [[xvxine-plugin|xvxine]]
| ?
| Mike Pieper
|- id="Y"
| [[yaepg-plugin|yaepg]]
| A Plugin to show the EPG data
| ?

==See also==
# [[List of outdated Plugins]]
# [[Plugins_by_topic]]
# [[Hints for plugin developers]]

# {{mirror 1|}}

| [1]

| Plugin list on the VDR homepage


Latest revision as of 13:00, 15 January 2015


A Plugin is a program extension of VDR, which can be reloaded as a library at runtime of the program.

A plugin only needs to be recompiled if the plugin interface API version has changed in VDR. Some plugins are dependent on additional VDR patches in order to achieve the desired function.




Plugins last updated before VDR-1.7.0, can to be found in the List of outdated Plugins.
Most likely that list here is not up-to-date, you may want to search on the German wiki for newer informations.

Table of Contents: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


Plugin Description 1.7.x 2.0.x 2.1.x
ac3mode Indicates the number of audio channels (eg 5.1) x
actuator Control of a satellite dish rotor via parallel port x
admin Starting / stopping services, editing configuration files x
alcd Text output on Activy LC displays x
arghdirector Usage of Sky MultiFeed channels, Fork of Director-plugin x
atscepg shows ATSC (North America) EPG x
autostart Start tasks when you insert removable media x
audiorecorder Automatically records radio channels with matching title x


Plugin Description 1.7.x 2.0.x 2.1.x
beep Audible messages via internal PC speaker x
bgprocess Progress indicator for external programs, controlled by SVDRP x x
block EPG background scan for unwanted TV events x
bluray A simple BluRay player.
burn Burn movies to DVD x


Plugin Description 1.7.x 2.0.x 2.1.x
cdplayer Play Audio CDs x x
chanman Select/Change channel list via OSD x x
channelblocker Administrate blocked channels for channel block patch
channellists Switch channel lists via OSD
cinebars Creates virtual cine bars x x x
control OSD output on Telnet terminal x
cpumon Displays CPU usage x


Plugin Description 1.7.x 2.0.x 2.1.x
dbus2vdr Control VDR via D-Bus x x
Deluxe Store DeluxeMusic TV shows x
devstatus Display DVB device status (incl. running records) x x x
dummydevice Dummy output device x
dvbhddevice Output Device plugin for TT S2-6400 DVB card x x x
dvd A DVD player x x x
dvdswitch Plays DVD Images x
dynamite "Plug'n'play" of DVB receivers x


Plugin Description 1.7.x 2.0.x 2.1.x
eepg Extended EPG import x x
epgfixer Processing of EPG content with RegExp x x
epgsearch Advanced EPG search and automatic creation of timers x x
epgsync imported EPG of an other VDR via SVDRP x x
exec integrated timer for actions / shell commands in VDR x
externalplayer use external programs as player x x
extrecmenu advanced recording menu x x


Plugin Description 1.7.x 2.0.x 2.1.x
favorites List of favorite channels x
femon Display of signal information of a DVB card x x x
fepg Tabular EPG index x
ffnetdev An output plugin via network x
filebrowser File Manager x x
fritzbox ISDN telephone call manager x x


Plugin Description 1.7.x 2.0.x 2.1.x
gbc GameBoy - Emulator x
graphlcd Output information on graphical LCDs x x
graphtft Output information on TFTs x


Plugin Description 1.7.x 2.0.x 2.1.x
hattrick A match viewer for the online browser game Hattrick
hello A simple 'hello' sample plugin x
history Maintains a history of played recordings and files.


Plugin Description 1.7.x 2.0.x 2.1.x
inputdev Reads input events from /dev/input/eventX (KBD, IR, mouse)
imonlcd Output information on imonLCD. x x
infosatepg Loading EPG data via satellite
iptv Use IPTV in VDR x


Plugin Description 1.7.x 2.0.x 2.1.x


Plugin Description 1.7.x 2.0.x 2.1.x
karaoke Karaoke
kvdrmon one KDE auxiliary plug-in for kvdrmon


Plugin Description 1.7.x 2.0.x 2.1.x
lastfm Playing music
lcdproc Output information on LCDs
lcr a telephone least cost Manager
lightpack Access to Lightpack/Prismatic software from VDR x x
lircrc Native LIRC support
live Live Interactive VDR Environment x x
loadepg Import of Canal+ EPG data


Plugin Description 1.7.x 2.0.x 2.1.x
mailbox Simple email client x
markad advertising scanner, sets cutting marks using Markad x x
menuorg Organize the OSD menu with submenus x
mldkgui MLDonkey plugin
mlist History of all OSD messages
mouse mate Control with Mouse x
mp3 MP3 player
muggle mp3 database


Plugin Description 1.7.x 2.0.x 2.1.x
neutrinoepg Displays the EPG information in the classic Neutrino look x x
noepg EPG for some channels block / allow x


Plugin Description 1.7.x 2.0.x 2.1.x
osdadjust OSD adjust size and position on the screen
osddemo Demo plug-in for use of the VDR OSD x
osdpip a TV image of another transmitter Show. x
osdserver OSD access via TCP / IP for other programs x
osdteletext Teletext via OSD x x
otv4vdr TPS EPG Import


Plugin Description 1.7.x 2.0.x 2.1.x
peer Edit timers on VDRs, and access to the OSD x x
permashift Plugin for permanent timeshift x x
pin Parental control for VDR
play Mplayer plugin for VDR and X11
playlist Using playlists for video recording
premiereepg premiereepg2vdr as a plugin x
pvr350 TV image on a Hauppauge PVR 350 x
pvrinput Use analog TV card x


Plugin Description 1.7.x 2.0.x 2.1.x


Plugin Description 1.7.x 2.0.x 2.1.x
radio Background image for radio stations, as well as RDS text x x
remote Support of remote controls ("/dev/input/x") x x x
remoteosd Access to the main menu of another VDR x x
remotetimers Timer management in Client-/Server-Struktur x x
restfulapi Provides a RESTful API to access VDR data ready x x
ripit Ripping of audio CDs x
rotor Controls satellite dish rotor
rotorng Controls satellite dish rotor
rssreader show RSS news feeds x


Plugin Description 1.7.x 2.0.x 2.1.x
sc Software Conditional Access Module x x
scheduler control external tasks with VDR
screenshot Makes Screenshots
scripting VDR connect with Ruby
seduatmo AtmoLight for SEDU based controller
setup Edit system settings and VDR-menus
sked SoftCam.Key EDitor
skincurses Skin for the console x
skinelchi Elchi patch as a plugin x x
skinflat a simple and slim skin for VDR x
skinenigmang D-Box Enigma skin x x
skinnOpacity True Color skin for HD VDRs x
skinpearlhd PearlHD the skin as a native plugin
skinsoppalusikka Elchi-skin as a plugin x
SkySelectFeeds Multifeed option of "Sky Select" x
sleeptimer countdown counter for tasks/shutdown x x
smarttvweb Recordings and live TV on SmartTVs/-phones x
sndctl Sound Mixer control x
softhddevice HDTV output plugin for VDR with GPU support. x x
Solarstorm multi-channel TV backlight x
span provides audio FFT data available
spider the spider game
sportng Soccer game results
streamdev Streaming-Server/Client x x
streamplayer Plays video streams
sudoku Generate and solve Number Place puzzles
suspendoutput black background
svdrposd OSD menu via SVDRP x
svdrpservice Interface for access to SVDRP server x
systeminfo System information via OSD x x


Plugin Description 1.7.x 2.0.x 2.1.x
targavfd Control Futaba Dot-Matrix Display x x
text2skin An interpreter for xml-based skins x x
timeline Displays collisions programmed timer
TVGuide a 2D EPG Viewer manner of a TV magazine x x
tvtv TvTv in OSD


Plugin Description 1.7.x 2.0.x 2.1.x
uactivity Starts shell scripts for changes in user activity x
undelete Recovery of deleted recordings x
upnp via UPnP AV access to VDR x x


Plugin Description 1.7.x 2.0.x 2.1.x
vdrmanager VDR control via Android x
vdrrip Movie Encoder x
vdrtva TV-Anytime ( Accurate Recording and Series Link ) x x
vodcatcher Video_on_Demand
vompserver VDR as Hauppauge MediaMVP server x
vnsi-server VDR-Network-Streaming-Interface x x


Plugin Description 1.7.x 2.0.x 2.1.x
webvideo Loading videos from the internet x
wirbelscan a Channel Scanner for digital and analogue TV x x x
wirbelscancontrol a main menu for wirbelscan-plugin x


Plugin Description 1.7.x 2.0.x 2.1.x
xineliboutput a libxine based VDR output device x x
xmame Start Xmame games within the VDR x
xmltv2vdr Import EPG data into VDR x x


Plugin Description 1.7.x 2.0.x 2.1.x
yaepg Electronic Program Guide
yaepghd Electronic Program Guide x x
yacoto Converts recordings to other formats


Plugin Description 1.7.x 2.0.x 2.1.x
zaphistory List of recently-watched programs with statistics x x
zappilot Show EPG without channel switching

See also

  1. List of outdated Plugins
  2. Plugins_by_topic
  3. Hints for plugin developers


  1. Mirror